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Responses on original posting "Correlation Dimension of EMG "

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  • Responses on original posting "Correlation Dimension of EMG "

    Dear All,

    As I received severals mail asking to post responses on my
    original posting, below is the response I got.
    Hope will be useful.

    Yuniarto Swie/ UEC -JP

    ---------Original Posting---------------
    Dear Experts,

    I am doing Chaotic analysis to EMG by taking the
    Correlation Dimension, and found in most case that the
    Corr. Dimension increased as the increasing of the muscle

    However in some case, it was observed that even the
    contraction supposed to be weak (at least showed from the
    EMG power), the Corr. Dim is relatively high (higher than
    the relax stage). As noise has been removed, We consider
    that there is underlying mechanism cause the high
    Corr.Dimension in the relatively weak contraction.

    Can anyone advise on such phenomenon and to share idea
    onwhat happening behind.

    RESPONSES : 3 postings (excluded mails requested to post
    the responses in Biomch-L)
    ================================================== ==============
    \#1. Dear Yuniarto:

    If you are analyzing raw EMG signals, then I would expect
    these signals to be high dimensional. The signal itself
    is an interference pattern generated by the interference
    of the electrical output of a large number of individual
    motor units (which may be from a few to a few hundred,
    depending on the muscle you're looking at and the level of
    activation). If one can think of each motor unit as a
    "degree of freedom" in the underlying system, then the
    true dimension could be quite high. This could cause you
    problems, as the correlation dimension algorithm is not
    very good at assessing such high dimensional systems
    (i.e., d > about 4 or 5). You should be looking at the
    entire correlation integral (not just the slope of the
    curve) to see if you really are obtaining results that
    will allow you to compute a valid correlation integral to
    begin with. You should also see if/how these curves
    change as you vary the embedding dimension. If they do
    change substantially, this could be problematic.

    Also, I don't know how you are filtering your data, but
    standard frequency domain linear filters (e.g. Butterworth
    low-pass filter) can substantially alter the nonlinear
    properties (including correlation dimension) of inherently
    nonlinear signals.

    There's an excellent text that deals with these issues,
    recently published in it's second edition, by Holger Kantz
    & Thomas Schreiber. The book is called "Nonlinear Time
    Series Analysis" and is published by Cambridge University
    Press (2nd Ed., 2004). These authors also offer their
    analysis software (the "TISEAN" package) via a
    well-documented web site:

    I hope this is helpful.

    Good luck!
    Jon Dingwell

    /#2. F Borg/* wrote:
    > Pax!
    > I am afraid there are not too many experts on using
    nonlinear time series analysis methods to EMG. I did
    general survey of methdos some years back (available as
    the first paper here -->
    > ) and turned up only a
    few devoted to EMG.
    > Recurrence plot analysis seems to be one of the
    favoured methods.However, if someone finds something like
    correlation dimension to work that would be interesting. I
    would expect fatigue would be the
    natural phenomenon to investigate. In order to check your
    results youwould have to map the correlation function C(x)
    vs the scale parameter x (I guess
    > you have used the Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm).
    It is true that noise can drive up the *dimension*.
    Denoising can also create artifacts.
    > Only a closer view of your stuff would make it
    possible to tell.
    > Best regards

    /# 3. Pax!

    At low signal levels the system may play tricks. In a
    recent mesurement
    on the leg during quiet standing we found eg a perfect
    match between
    gastroc and tibialilis sEMG -- TA had a very weak signal
    but it was a
    sort of crosstalk from GA and when amplified and filtered
    it matched
    perfectly the GA sEMG!

    One may also wonder what SVD filtering does to a weak
    signal. (Does the
    algorithm use relative thresholding and scaling?) Try to
    leave out SVD
    and use only LP and HP. I spotted a paper (Hu et al.,
    Classification of
    surface EMG signal with fractal dimension, Journal of
    University 2005 6B(8): 844-848, )
    where they found
    that using just LP 350 Hz seemed to produce intelligible
    results for D_c
    calculations (D_c found to be around 1 - 3 -- forearm
    supination/pronation) for the purpose of classification.

    The connection between fatigue and synchronization makes
    Recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) seems eg to show
    an increase in
    the so called %DET parameter for increasing fatigue (there
    is a short
    discusion in the book Merletti & Parker, Electromyography,
    IEEE Press
    2004, ch. 6). In order to study possible relations between
    spectrum and
    RQA maps and parameters I think one would have to run
    simulations woth
    various types of signals and then compare the results
    obtained by the
    different methods of analysis. As yet I have not come
    accross (as far as
    I remember) such a study although it would be quite
    straightforward to
    do (but requires some work).

    Regards Frank

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