Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to participate to the “1st European Symposium
on Ultrasonic Characterization of Bone.”
This 2-days symposium will be held in Paris, 6-7 March 2006. It will be
open to all the researchers interested in bone ultrasound characterization
with a special focus on young investigators.
This meeting will address issues such as basic science (propagation models,
non linear acoustics, backscattering, numerical simulations, guided waves),
instrumentation and signal analysis (acoustic microscopy, transverse and
axial transmission, imaging techniques) and applications (small animals,
osteoporosis and others diseases).
Contributors will be requested to submit an abstract of no more than one
page. Deadline for abstract submission is February, 10 th 2006.
The webpage for online abstract submission and registration is now opened :
We invite you to spread this information to all your contacts that might be
interested in this meeting.
If you need further information, please contact :
Frederic Padilla
Laboratoire d'Imagerie Parametrique
Tel: (33) 1 44 41 49 72
Fax: (33) 1 46 33 56 73
Looking forward to hearing from you soon
Kind regards,
Pascal Laugier & Frédéric Padilla
Quentin GRIMAL
Laboratoire d'Imagerie Paramétrique
UMR CNRS 7623 - Université Paris 6
15, rue de l'école de médecine - 75006 PARIS
tél. : 01 44 41 49 60 (secrétariat) ou 49 72 (ligne directe) - fax : 01 46
33 56 73