In reply to Mark Redfern's (University of Pittsburgh) recent posting, I'd like
to mention a wheelchair testing facility currently being developped at the
"Pruefstelle fuer Orthopaedische Hilfsmittel" (Testing site for Orthopaedic
Appliances) at the Technical University of Berlin, Institute fuer Feinwerktech-
nik und Biomedizinische Technik, Dovestrasse 6, D-1000 BERLIN 10, FRG, tel.
+49.30.3142 3388, fax +49.30.3142 1098, telex 184474 bmt tu; no email address

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U. Boenick showed me last week a "programmable, rolling street
for wheelchair testing" where the profile of a road may be varied, and a "place-
independent measurement system for wheelchair loading data acquisition". Fur-
thermore, there is a flat rolling way of approximately 10 metre length with
variable slope up (or rather, down) to about 15% which is unique for Germany.

Herman J. Woltring