Dear List memebers,
The Sports Science Unit, University Science Malaysia,
Kota Bharu, Kelantan is going to organise 6th Sports
Science Conference from 24th - 26th July 2006.
Main theme of the conference is: 'Sports Science In
Key note speaker: Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Watanabe,
Hiroshima University, Japan. Other Invited Speakers
are from, China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Philippines,
Hong Kong, Taiwan and the host country Malaysia.
They will deliver talks on latest researches in the
field of exercise physiology, sports nutrition, sports
biomechanics, kinanthropometry, sports medicine.
There will be Oral and Poster sessions also. The last
date of submission of abstract is 15th June, 2006.
Notification of the acceptance will be before 30th
June. The abstract should not exceed 250 words, in
Arial size 11 font. Abstracts can be submitted
electronically either to or to
The abstract should contain the objective of the
study, methods, results and conclusion.
For details, please visit
Vina Tan
Exercise and Sports Science
School of Health Sciences
University Science Malaysia
Kubang Kerian, Kelantan
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