Dear All,
Apologies for cross posting!
I`ve been working on "Proprioceptive evaluation before
and after ACL reconstruction". In the course of
working in this area I came across a question which is
- Why is the preciseness of the proprioceptive
evaluation is at 0.1 degree in available literature?
Why isn`t it in simple degrees? Is it because of
increasing the preciseness of evaluation? if yes,what
is the reason?
Looking forward to having your replies,
Kind regards,
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Apologies for cross posting!
I`ve been working on "Proprioceptive evaluation before
and after ACL reconstruction". In the course of
working in this area I came across a question which is
- Why is the preciseness of the proprioceptive
evaluation is at 0.1 degree in available literature?
Why isn`t it in simple degrees? Is it because of
increasing the preciseness of evaluation? if yes,what
is the reason?
Looking forward to having your replies,
Kind regards,
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