Below are the replies I had to the full reference details of the article below
Lafontaine, D., Lamontagne, M. and Lockwood, K. (1998). Time-motion analysis of ice-hockey skills during games. In ISBS 98: XVI International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports (edited. Konstanz, Germany: International Society for Biomechanics of Sports.
Thanks to Adrian Smith, Ian Shrier, Matilde (surname unknown sorry), Danny Lafontaine and John Barden for their assistance
Past Symposia:
Links to
E-mail: ISBS98@uni-konstanz.de
There seem to have been 2 volumes of "Proceedings" and one of
A colleague had a publication in the same journal. The full reference is In Riehle H.J. et Vieten M.M. (Ed) ISBS, UVK Konstanz:Universitätsverlag Konstanz GmbH Press,
He suggested you contact Mario Lamontagne in Ottawa for more details.
Ian Shrier
ISBS 1998, XVI International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports
Proceedings I, Hartmut J. Riehle, Manfred M. Vieten (editors),
University of Konstanz, Department of Sport Science, Germany.
UVK - Universit*tsverlag Konstanz GmbH,
ISBN: 3-87940-648-0
Time-motion analysis of ice-Hochey skills during games,
Lafontaine, Lamontagne, Lockwood
p. 481-484
Hi Justin,
I was forwarded your message by professor Lamontagne.
Here's the full information on the paper that you want to refer to:
Lafontaine, D., Lamontagne, M & Lockwood, K. (1998). Time-Motion Analysis of Ice-Hockey Skills During Games. in Riehle, H.J. & Vieten, M. (Eds.), Proceedings I, 16th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, Konstanz, Germany, UVK, pp. 481-484.
I'm hoping that the reference is a positive one ;-), do not hesistate to contact me if you have any questions.
Hi Justin:
I know two of the authors so I should be able to help you out. Kelly
Lockwood is at Brock University (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada) and
Mario Lamontagne is at the University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada). I don't know Mario's e-mail (I'm sure you can find it
somewhere on the Ottawa U. website) but Kelly's is:
Hope that helps. Good luck.
John M. Barden, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor &
Graduate Coordinator for Gerontology
Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4S 0A2
Office: (306) 585-4629
Lab: (306) 585-4909
Fax: (306) 585-4854
E-mail: john.barden@uregina.ca
"The concept of progress acts as a protective mechanism to shield us
from the terrors of the future."
- Frank Herbert
Justin Keogh
President AUT Powerlifting and Strongman Club
Senior Lecturer
Division of Sport and Recreation
Institute of Sport and Recreation Research New Zealand
Auckland University of Technology
Private bag 92006
Auckland 1020
New Zealand
Room AH221I
Phone: 64-9-921-9999 ext 7617
Fax: 64-9-921-9960
email: justin.keogh@aut.ac.nz
Below are the replies I had to the full reference details of the article below
Lafontaine, D., Lamontagne, M. and Lockwood, K. (1998). Time-motion analysis of ice-hockey skills during games. In ISBS 98: XVI International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports (edited. Konstanz, Germany: International Society for Biomechanics of Sports.
Thanks to Adrian Smith, Ian Shrier, Matilde (surname unknown sorry), Danny Lafontaine and John Barden for their assistance
Past Symposia:
Links to
E-mail: ISBS98@uni-konstanz.de
There seem to have been 2 volumes of "Proceedings" and one of
A colleague had a publication in the same journal. The full reference is In Riehle H.J. et Vieten M.M. (Ed) ISBS, UVK Konstanz:Universitätsverlag Konstanz GmbH Press,
He suggested you contact Mario Lamontagne in Ottawa for more details.
Ian Shrier
ISBS 1998, XVI International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports
Proceedings I, Hartmut J. Riehle, Manfred M. Vieten (editors),
University of Konstanz, Department of Sport Science, Germany.
UVK - Universit*tsverlag Konstanz GmbH,
ISBN: 3-87940-648-0
Time-motion analysis of ice-Hochey skills during games,
Lafontaine, Lamontagne, Lockwood
p. 481-484
Hi Justin,
I was forwarded your message by professor Lamontagne.
Here's the full information on the paper that you want to refer to:
Lafontaine, D., Lamontagne, M & Lockwood, K. (1998). Time-Motion Analysis of Ice-Hockey Skills During Games. in Riehle, H.J. & Vieten, M. (Eds.), Proceedings I, 16th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, Konstanz, Germany, UVK, pp. 481-484.
I'm hoping that the reference is a positive one ;-), do not hesistate to contact me if you have any questions.
Hi Justin:
I know two of the authors so I should be able to help you out. Kelly
Lockwood is at Brock University (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada) and
Mario Lamontagne is at the University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada). I don't know Mario's e-mail (I'm sure you can find it
somewhere on the Ottawa U. website) but Kelly's is:
Hope that helps. Good luck.
John M. Barden, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor &
Graduate Coordinator for Gerontology
Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4S 0A2
Office: (306) 585-4629
Lab: (306) 585-4909
Fax: (306) 585-4854
E-mail: john.barden@uregina.ca
"The concept of progress acts as a protective mechanism to shield us
from the terrors of the future."
- Frank Herbert
Justin Keogh
President AUT Powerlifting and Strongman Club
Senior Lecturer
Division of Sport and Recreation
Institute of Sport and Recreation Research New Zealand
Auckland University of Technology
Private bag 92006
Auckland 1020
New Zealand
Room AH221I
Phone: 64-9-921-9999 ext 7617
Fax: 64-9-921-9960
email: justin.keogh@aut.ac.nz