Research Scientist (Faculty Position)
Philadelphia, Research / Motor Control / Motor Learning, MossRehab
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute announces its intention to
a research program in the area of Motor Control/Mobility
With the full support of Albert Einstein Healthcare Network we will be
recruiting for several positions at both junior and senior levels. We
are currently seeking to fill a research position at the Assistant
Professor level to join our productive team of researchers. While
of specialization is open, preference will be given to investigators
can help bridge the well-developed cognitive neuroscience/cognitive
rehabilitation program and the developing motor control area. Patient
populations with various motor control disorders (particularly stroke
and traumatic brain injury) are available for basic and applied
research. Access to fMRI, TMS, ERP, state-of-the-art lesion analysis
methods, and clinical gait and upper extremity movement laboratories
available for collaboration at MossRehab and the University of
Pennsylvania. A multi-year start-up package is available to
extramural funding. Post-doctoral training, evidence of research
productivity, and prior grant funding are highly desirable.
Interested candidates should submit their CV and letter of interest to
Kevin Whelihan:
Contact Information:
Kevin Whelihan
1200 West Tabor Road
Korman Bldg., Suite 213, Philadelphia, PA 19141
Philadelphia, Research / Motor Control / Motor Learning, MossRehab
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute announces its intention to
a research program in the area of Motor Control/Mobility
With the full support of Albert Einstein Healthcare Network we will be
recruiting for several positions at both junior and senior levels. We
are currently seeking to fill a research position at the Assistant
Professor level to join our productive team of researchers. While
of specialization is open, preference will be given to investigators
can help bridge the well-developed cognitive neuroscience/cognitive
rehabilitation program and the developing motor control area. Patient
populations with various motor control disorders (particularly stroke
and traumatic brain injury) are available for basic and applied
research. Access to fMRI, TMS, ERP, state-of-the-art lesion analysis
methods, and clinical gait and upper extremity movement laboratories
available for collaboration at MossRehab and the University of
Pennsylvania. A multi-year start-up package is available to
extramural funding. Post-doctoral training, evidence of research
productivity, and prior grant funding are highly desirable.
Interested candidates should submit their CV and letter of interest to
Kevin Whelihan:
Contact Information:
Kevin Whelihan
1200 West Tabor Road
Korman Bldg., Suite 213, Philadelphia, PA 19141