I’m a physical therapist at Istanbul University, School of Medicine, Orthopedics and Travmatologics Depatment, Gait Analysis Labrotory. Our lab focused more on motion analysis of upper and lower extremities. Our main patient population is chidren with cerebral palsy. I and our head of the laboratory would like to focus much on motion analysis of upper extremity on children ( hemiparetics, diparetics, obstetric palsies etc.. ).
We would like to learn more about evaluation of upper extremity. Do you have know any lab which have some experience about motion analysis on children with upper extremity pathologies ?
Our goal is observing the studies and applications to enhanece our knowledge about motion analysis of upper extemity for chidrens good most and the adults.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
N. Ekin Akalan MS. PT.
Director of the Gait Analysis Laboratory
I.U. Istanbul Medical Faculty 34390 Capa/Istanbul/Turkey
Doctoral student in Biomedical Engineering Institute
Bogazici University 34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey
Phone: (212) 414-2000/32887 Fax: (212) 635 28 35
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