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VBC'94 Call For Participation (X-post)

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  • VBC'94 Call For Participation (X-post)

    The following item appeared on Usenet today:

    >From: (Margret Ryan, Med Sci, 4-2939)
    >Newsgroups:,alt.image.medical,sci. engr.biomed,sci.image.processing,bionet.neuroscien ce
    >Subject: VBC'94 Call For Participation
    >Date: 9 Nov 93 20:22:12 GMT
    >Organization: Mayo Foundation


    Visualization in
    Biomedical Computing 1994
    (VBC '94)

    October 4 - 7, 1994

    The goal of the third conference on Visualization in
    Biomedical Computing (VBC '94) continues the tradition
    established in the first (Atlanta, 1990) and second
    (Chapel Hill, 1992) conferences to enhance and
    promote the science of computing and visualization in
    medicine and biology. This objective is achieved by
    bringing together a multidisciplinary, international
    group of researchers, scientists, engineers, clinicians
    and toolmakers engaged in all aspects of scientific
    visualization in biomedical computing.

    Visualization in biological and medical research has
    rapidly emerged as a unique and significant discipline
    aimed at developing approaches and tools to allow
    researchers to "see into" and comprehend the living
    systems they are studying. Topics of investigation
    and development in the discipline span from basic
    theory through tools and systems to complete
    applications. This conference will synthesize these
    topics in synergistic presentations ranging from
    principles to practice. Approaches to biomedical
    visualization include the presentation of information
    in three dimensions, development of dynamic
    methods to interact with and manipulate
    multidimensional data, and development of models
    that enhance interpretive and decision-making
    processes. Visualization tools include graphics
    hardware and software to display and animate
    information, as well as environments that facilitate
    human-machine-data interaction for the interpretation
    of complex systems. Examples of applications of
    visualization in biomedical computing include
    presentation of anatomy and physiology in 3D,
    animated representation of the dynamics of fluid
    flow, and graphical rendering of biomolecular
    structures and their interactions.

    There will be single sessions of half-hour papers.
    The presentations by and discussions among
    participants should interest basic scientists, engineers,
    medical researchers, physicians, surgeons,
    psychologists, and biomedical visualization students.


    Conference Chairman
    Richard A. Robb, Mayo Foundation/Clinic

    Conference Coordinators
    Barbara McLeod, Mayo Continuing Education
    Margret Ryan, Mayo Biomedical Imaging Resource

    Technical Program
    Karl Heinz Hoehne, Co-chair
    University of Hamburg
    Michael Vannier, Co-chair
    Washington Univ. Medical School

    Nicholas Ayache, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis
    H. Harlyn Baker, SRI International
    Helmar Bergmann, Vienna Univ. Hospital
    James Coggins, Univ. of North Carolina
    James Duncan, Yale University
    Mark Ellisman, Univ. of California, San Diego
    Alan C. Evans, Montreal Neurological Inst.
    Norberto Ezquerra, Georgia Inst. of Tech.
    Henry Fuchs, Univ. of North Carolina
    Ernest Garcia, Emory University
    David Hawkes, Guy's Hospital London
    Cliff Jack, Mayo Clinic
    Arie Kaufman, SUNY at Stony Brook
    Olaf Kbler, ETH, Zurich
    Ron Kikinis, Brigham & Women's Hospital
    Hal Kundel, Univ. of Pennsylvania
    David Levin, University of Chicago
    Marc Levoy, Stanford University
    Bruce McCormick, Texas A & M Univ.
    Chuck Pelizzari, University of Chicago
    Stephen Pizer, Univ. of North Carolina
    Andrew Todd-Pokropek, Univ. College London
    Max Viergever, Utrecht University


    The VBC '94 Conference will be helf at the Siebens
    Education Center at the Mayo Foundation / Clinic in
    Rochester, Minnesota. It is adjacent to the
    conference hotels, connected via sheltered pedestrian


    Paper abstracts due February 1, 1994
    Tutorial proposals due February 1, 1994
    Acceptance notification to authors April 1, 1994
    Full papers due July 1, 1994
    Registration due September 1, 1994

    There are three major related themes to be included
    in Visualization in Biomedical Computing '94:
    (1) Theory and Algorithms, (2) Tools and Systems,
    and (3) Applications in Medicine and Biology.
    Emphasis will be given to scholarly original papers.
    A list of possible topics within each of these themes
    is indicated below but is not intended to be exclusive:

    Theory and Algorithms
    * Models of Visualization
    * Human-Machine Interaction
    * Object Segmentation and Classification
    * Shape Descriptions and Characterization
    * Representation of Spatial Knowledge
    * Multi-Modality Image Registration and Fusion
    * Visual Perception and Communication
    * Cognitive Aspects of Visualization
    * Computer Vision and Image Processing
    * Virtual Reality Paradigms
    * Artificial Intelligence in Visualization

    Tools and Systems
    * Hardware/Software Tools
    * Image Format Standards
    * User Interfaces, Including Virtual Reality
    * Interactive Workstations and Networks
    * Novel Visualization Equipment
    * Acquisition of Data
    * Visualization Data Bases and Atlases
    * Graphics and Display Techniques
    * Multidimensional Display
    * Quantitative Analyses

    Applications in Medicine & Biology
    * X-Ray, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine, etc.
    * Microscopy Imaging
    * Molecular Biology and Cellular Biology
    * Craniofacial Reconstruction
    * Biomechanics and Orthopedics
    * Dentistry and Orthodontics
    * Prosthetics Development
    * Modeling and Simulation of Biological Processes
    * Radiation Treatment Planning
    * Surgical Planning and Stereotaxy
    * Neuroanatomical and Neurophysiological Analyses
    * Cardiac/Pulmonary Imaging
    * Anatomy/Pathology
    * Functional Imaging
    * Biological and Medical Education

    Authors are invited to submit five (5) copies of an
    extended abstract which may include figures but not
    exceed 2,000 words by February 1, 1994. Included
    at the beginning of the abstract must be a 50-word
    statement summarizing the major result of the
    research. Send abstract copies to:

    Richard A. Robb, Ph.D.
    Mayo Foundation/Clinic
    Medical Sciences Building 2-135
    200 First St., SW
    Rochester, MN 55905

    Proposals for half-day (four-hour) tutorial sessions
    are invited in any aspect of visualization in
    biomedical computing, including the topics listed in
    the Call for Papers. Tutorial proposals should
    include an outline (not exceeding 2000 words)
    accompanied by a curriculum vitae submitted by
    February 1, 1994 to:

    Richard A. Robb, Ph.D.
    Mayo Foundation/Clinic
    Medical Sciences Building 2-135
    200 First St., SW
    Rochester, MN 55905

    Manufacturers and vendors of any type of
    commercial equipment and tools for scientific
    visualization are encouraged to contact:

    Mahlon C. Stacy or Dennis P. Hanson
    Mayo Foundation/Clinic
    200 First St., SW
    Rochester, MN 55905
    507-284-4558 or 507-284-8809


    The registration fee includes conference registration,
    a copy of the proceedings, opening night receptions,
    lunches each day, conference banquet and
    refreshment breaks. Members of cooperating or co-
    sponsoring organizations may pay the "Members"
    fee. Conference and tutorial fees are listed below:

    Before After
    Sept. 2 Sept. 2
    Non Members................$350.........$400
    Tutorial (1)...............$200.........$225
    Tutorials (2)..............$300.........$325
    Tutorial - Student (1).....$150.........$175
    Tutorials - Student (2)....$200.........$225

    Northwest Airlines will provide attendees with round
    trip air transportation to Rochester, Minnesota at 5%
    discount off any published fare or 12% off any
    applicable coach fare. Restrictions apply. Additional
    information may be obtained by calling AAA Travel
    at 800-666-5050 or 507-289-1851 and asking for the
    VBC group travel desk.

    Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the
    Kahler Hotel ($79 Single/Double) and the Kahler
    Plaza Hotel ($95 Single/Double). You may
    make your reservations directly with the hotel by
    calling Kahler Lodging at 800-533-1655 or 507-
    282-2581 and identify yourself as attending VBC
    '94. Reservations must be made prior to
    September 12, 1994, to assure a room at the
    group rate.