First call for papers/posters and delegates.
Thursday 7th and Friday 8th December 2006
at The National Physical Laboratories, Teddington, London (
Sponsored by National Physical Laboratory, Health Technologies KTN, Taylor and Francis, Mediwales, ARUP.
We are pleased to invite you to the forthcoming MEDITECH on Medicine and Life Sciences: a Computational Approach. The objective of this meeting is to bring together scientists, clinicians and researchers to present, discuss and network in the challenging and rapidly emerging area of computational methods applied at the interface of medicine, life sciences, biology and physical sciences. Invited speakers from major research centres, industry and software will provide a state of the art review of the area and other researchers are invited to present their work, orally or as posters. Space will also be provided for products, software and demonstrations. Numbers will be restricted and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. You may register online at or contact John Middleton, email address below, if you wish to give a presentation.
PETER WALTERS, UK National contact point for information technologies.
The next Framework commences in 2007 and runs for 7 years, the currently planned budget of 32B€ will fund cooperative research across nine thematic areas including
Health, (~6B€), Information and Communication Technologies, (~9B€)
Nano-Sciences,Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies (~3.5B€). Peter Walters will describe the opportunity presented by the Commission’s new Framework. He will share the latest news on the evolution of the workprogrammes and participation rules. In addition he will review the benefits and hazards of participation.
Preliminary Subject Areas
* Modelling of tissue or biological materials (tissue engineering/synthetic materials etc)
* Mechanotransduction (mechanical and biological stimuli and the there quantification)
* Computational and Systems Biology (theoretical and mathematical modelling/computational simulation: modelling and simulation of cellular systems and application is molecular biology)
* Computational Biomechanics (engineering and physical modelling and simulation of tissue structures and systems - modelling of hard/soft tissues and biomaterials)
* Computer Assisted Surgery (data/image capture for use in simulation of reconstructive surgery and treatment planning)
* Bioinformatics (computational tools and techniques for use in biological applications, life science and medicine: storage, mining, imaging and visualisation methods)
Invited Speakers and presentations:
PROF. DAN BADER, QMUL, Head of Medical Engineering, Mechanobiology in tissue engineering,
PROF. R. WATERS, Cardiff University Medical School, Asst Head of Department,
DNA Nucleotide Excision Repair and Chromatin Remodelling.
BRIAN WALKER/NAOMI GREEN, ARUP Birmingham UK, Computational Simulation in Life Sciences.
PROF. DAVID RAND, Co-director of Systems Biology Centre, Warwick University(to be confirmed)
PETER WALTERS, UK National contact point for information technologies. EU funding opportunities.
Please contact John Middleton if you wish to participate or present a paper or poster. The preliminary costs for the meeting which includes lunches, coffee breaks on the 7th and 8th and dinner on the evening of the 7th December is £130.
Exhibition space can also be provided on request. Please see for full details. If you are not a member of Meditech please do register * this is free of charge.
Prof. John Middleton
Director of Biomaterials/Biomechanics Research Centre
Wales College of Medicine
Cardiff Medicentre
Heath Park
Cardiff CF14 4UJ Wales, UK
Tel/Fax. +44 (0)29 20682161
Thursday 7th and Friday 8th December 2006
at The National Physical Laboratories, Teddington, London (
Sponsored by National Physical Laboratory, Health Technologies KTN, Taylor and Francis, Mediwales, ARUP.
We are pleased to invite you to the forthcoming MEDITECH on Medicine and Life Sciences: a Computational Approach. The objective of this meeting is to bring together scientists, clinicians and researchers to present, discuss and network in the challenging and rapidly emerging area of computational methods applied at the interface of medicine, life sciences, biology and physical sciences. Invited speakers from major research centres, industry and software will provide a state of the art review of the area and other researchers are invited to present their work, orally or as posters. Space will also be provided for products, software and demonstrations. Numbers will be restricted and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. You may register online at or contact John Middleton, email address below, if you wish to give a presentation.
PETER WALTERS, UK National contact point for information technologies.
The next Framework commences in 2007 and runs for 7 years, the currently planned budget of 32B€ will fund cooperative research across nine thematic areas including
Health, (~6B€), Information and Communication Technologies, (~9B€)
Nano-Sciences,Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies (~3.5B€). Peter Walters will describe the opportunity presented by the Commission’s new Framework. He will share the latest news on the evolution of the workprogrammes and participation rules. In addition he will review the benefits and hazards of participation.
Preliminary Subject Areas
* Modelling of tissue or biological materials (tissue engineering/synthetic materials etc)
* Mechanotransduction (mechanical and biological stimuli and the there quantification)
* Computational and Systems Biology (theoretical and mathematical modelling/computational simulation: modelling and simulation of cellular systems and application is molecular biology)
* Computational Biomechanics (engineering and physical modelling and simulation of tissue structures and systems - modelling of hard/soft tissues and biomaterials)
* Computer Assisted Surgery (data/image capture for use in simulation of reconstructive surgery and treatment planning)
* Bioinformatics (computational tools and techniques for use in biological applications, life science and medicine: storage, mining, imaging and visualisation methods)
Invited Speakers and presentations:
PROF. DAN BADER, QMUL, Head of Medical Engineering, Mechanobiology in tissue engineering,
PROF. R. WATERS, Cardiff University Medical School, Asst Head of Department,
DNA Nucleotide Excision Repair and Chromatin Remodelling.
BRIAN WALKER/NAOMI GREEN, ARUP Birmingham UK, Computational Simulation in Life Sciences.
PROF. DAVID RAND, Co-director of Systems Biology Centre, Warwick University(to be confirmed)
PETER WALTERS, UK National contact point for information technologies. EU funding opportunities.
Please contact John Middleton if you wish to participate or present a paper or poster. The preliminary costs for the meeting which includes lunches, coffee breaks on the 7th and 8th and dinner on the evening of the 7th December is £130.
Exhibition space can also be provided on request. Please see for full details. If you are not a member of Meditech please do register * this is free of charge.
Prof. John Middleton
Director of Biomaterials/Biomechanics Research Centre
Wales College of Medicine
Cardiff Medicentre
Heath Park
Cardiff CF14 4UJ Wales, UK
Tel/Fax. +44 (0)29 20682161