Does anyone know of any powerpoint slides that are public resource or
do you have some of your own (if you are happy to share) regarding
balance and postural stability? I have done some web searching but have
not really found anything that suits my requirements.
This is required for a Masters paper taken by strength and conditioning
(primarily) students that focuses on training and assessment.
While I have some resources, i am looking for resources fro some of the
following areas.
1. Role of somatosensory, vestibular and visual systems
2. Dynamic vs static balance and assessment
3. Clinical- vs lab-based balance assessment: pros and cons,
reliability and validity
4. Relative effectiveness of different training approaches
(wobble-board, jumping and landing, strength training etc)
Justin Keogh PhD
Senior Lecturer
Division of Sport and Recreation
Institute of Sport and Recreation Research New Zealand
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Room AH221I
Phone: 64-9-921-9999 ext 7617
Mobile: 027 344 1642
Fax: 64-9-921-9960
email: justin.keogh@aut.ac.nz
Does anyone know of any powerpoint slides that are public resource or
do you have some of your own (if you are happy to share) regarding
balance and postural stability? I have done some web searching but have
not really found anything that suits my requirements.
This is required for a Masters paper taken by strength and conditioning
(primarily) students that focuses on training and assessment.
While I have some resources, i am looking for resources fro some of the
following areas.
1. Role of somatosensory, vestibular and visual systems
2. Dynamic vs static balance and assessment
3. Clinical- vs lab-based balance assessment: pros and cons,
reliability and validity
4. Relative effectiveness of different training approaches
(wobble-board, jumping and landing, strength training etc)
Justin Keogh PhD
Senior Lecturer
Division of Sport and Recreation
Institute of Sport and Recreation Research New Zealand
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Room AH221I
Phone: 64-9-921-9999 ext 7617
Mobile: 027 344 1642
Fax: 64-9-921-9960
email: justin.keogh@aut.ac.nz