Position Available:
Assistant Professor, tenure-track position in Exercise Physiology.
Expertise in muscle physiology and muscular strength development in varied
populations, e.g., diseased, aged, or children.
Minimum Qualifications:
Earned doctoral degree in a sub-discipline of Kinesiology related to the
areas of expertise in the job description, and demonstrated experience in
some application of exercise physiology, muscle physiology development or
rehabilitation. The successful applicant will have the ability to work
within a multidisciplinary Department as a member of a team and within a
multicultural, diverse University setting. The successful applicant should
have demonstrated effectiveness as a teacher as well as demonstrated ability
to gain external funding and to establish and pursue a research/scholarly
agenda. Interest and ability to extend expertise into the community is
Duties and Responsibilities:
The successful candidate will be able to teach undergraduate and graduate
courses in exercise physiology. Secondary teaching expertise is expected in
muscle physiology, rehabilitation, or possibly other applications to promote
effective neuromuscular functioning in healthy, diseased or impaired
populations depending on the strengths of the candidate. We expect the
successful candidate to foster relationships with the community and with
other educational institutions to promote applications of exercise
physiology, muscular strength development and/or rehabilitation, and to
develop field opportunities for students interested in these applications.
We expect the successful applicant to advise students, supervise student
research, establish a research/scholarly agenda, seek external funding and
maintain an active and collegial professional profile within and outside of
the University.
Rank and Salary:
Assistant Professor. Starting salary will be commensurate with
Application Consideration:
Review of applications will begin on December 8, 2006 for full
consideration. Position will remain open until filled. Applications
received past the screening date cannot be guaranteed full consideration.
Starting Date:
Fall semester, 2007
San Francisco State University, a member of the California State University
system, serves a diverse student body of 27,000 undergraduate and graduate
students. The mission of the University is to promote scholarship, freedom,
human diversity, excellence in instruction, and intellectual accomplishment.
Members of the faculty at SFSU are expected to be effective teachers and
demonstrate professional achievement and growth through continued research,
publications, and/or creative activities.
To Apply:
Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, detailed vita and three
letters of recommendations to:
Dr. Marialice Kern (Chair of Search Committee)
Department of Kinesiology
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, California 94132
Review of applications will begin December 8, 2006 and will continue until
the position is filled.
Department (Status of submitted material: 415 338-1258)
Maria E. Allain, meallain@sfsu.edu
Chair of Search Committee (Questions about positions: 415 338-1491)
Marialice Kern, mkern@sfsu.edu
Kate Hamel, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Kinesiology
San Francisco State University