Hello everybody

Couple of weeks ago, I had posted a request on the
sources of educational videos on Biomechanics. I have
got a few responses. Below are responses. I thank
everybody who responded.


Naveen Chandrashekar

Naveen Chandrashekar, PhD
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario N2L3G1
Ph:519-888-4567 Ext 38048
Fax: 519-885-5862

1) From my self experience, there are some good videos
available at the ‘Video Journal of Orthopaedics’
website (www.vjortho.com).

Other responses

2) Kentucky Sports Medicine has educational videos
about sports injuries,
see http://www.kysportsmed.com/. I have found them
very useful.

Ton van den Bogert

P.S. Please consider posting a summary to Biomch-L. A
list of
educational resources would be very good to have in
the Biomch-L
archives. This is a request from me as moderator of

A.J. (Ton) van den Bogert, PhD
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Cleveland Clinic Foundation

3) I suggest you try following companies as they
distribute our video material in USA and Canada.

* Films for the Humanities and Science
2572 Brunswick Pike
NJ 08648

* Insight Media
2162 Broadway
New York 10024

Sally Popplewell
Sales Supervisor
University of Leeds
Leads LS2 9JT


4) Leeds University (UK)


Video Programme Sales

We have a substantial library of recorded material.
The prices quoted
are for sales to other institutions so, if you find
material there
you would like to use, it is generally available at
the basic copying

Please click here to access the Video Library

Adrian Smith
Leeds University Library


5) Naveen,

You might be able to derive some benefit from the
recorded webcasts
available at AnyBody Technology's homepage,
http://www.anybodytech.com/199.0.html. Please notice
that you have to
register on the page to download the webcasts. They
are free, however.

You can also download several videos with
biomechanical simulations
from the
examples section: http://www.anybodytech.com/27.0.html

Best regards,

John Rasmussen,
Associate Prof., PhD, The AnyBody Group, Dept. of
Mech. Eng.
Aalborg University
www.ime.aau.dk/~jr, jr@ime.aau.dk
Mobile: +45 2089 8350. Phone: +45 9635 9307


6) I contacted DePuy and they graciously sent me 5
joint replacement
videos -
the ones they use for training surgeons (and sales I
guess). I don't
have a
contact person for you to contact though, it was a few
years ago.

Kristen L. Billiar, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Office: SL336
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609
Office: 508-831-5384
Fax: 508-831-5541
http://users.wpi.edu/~kbilliar/ (lab web page)

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