The Department of Kinesiology at the University of Maryland-College Park
announces the following position:


Assistant professor in human motor control beginning August 17, 1994
(pending funding). Applicants must have a doctoral specialization and
strong research background in human motor control and neuroscience.
Interest and background in human motor learning and movement disorders
desirable. Ability to supervise and direct graduate research (MA and PhD)
for a diverse student population. Interest and willingness to pursue
interdisciplinary research with faculty in biomechanics, motor development
and/or exercise physiology would be an asset. Successful candidate expected
to conduct original research and pursue outside funding and teach
undergraduate and graduate students.

Send curriculum vita, a statement of current and planned
research/grant activities, transcript, and arrange to have three letters of
recommendation sent to:
Jane E. Clark
Department of Kinesiology,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-2611
PHONE: 301/405-2474
FAX: 301/314-9167

DEADLINE: January 21, 1994 or until a suitable candidate is identified.

The University of Maryland is an equal opportunity and affirmative action
employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.