Dear subscribers,

The following announcement may be of interest to the readership of BIOMCH-L.

(Krystyna Gielo-Perczak, Co-moderator BIOMCH-L )
__________________________________________________ ______________________________

will be held on September 21-23, 1994
in cooperation with
Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine

with a Joint Special Session on

Since 1973, the International Research COuncil on Biokinetics of Impacts
(IRCOBI) has organized an international conference annually. The 1994 Conference
will be held in conjunction with AAAM and take place in Lyon, France.
The two organizations will meet separately on September 21 and 23, and jointly
on September 22 on the theme of Advanced Occupant Restraint Technologies.

Scientific papers are invited for presentation and inclusion in the IRCOBI
Conference and Proceedings on topics in biomechanics of trauma and injury
prevention ( September 21 and 23 ). These papers will be subject to the normal
IRCOBI review procedure.

Scientific papres are invited for presentation and inclusion in the Special
Session on Advanced Occupant Restraint Technologies ( September 22 ). These
papers will be subject to review by a joint IRCOBI - AAAM programme committee
who reserves the right to recommend a paper's inclusion in either the AAAM or
IRCOBI conferences if it is better suited to those meetings than to the Joint
Special Session. In such cases, authors will be notified when the abstract
is reviewed. All accepted papers in either conference or special session will
be eligible for submission to Accident Analysis and Prevention, which is the
official journal of the AAAM.


December 31, 1993 Abstracts due.
February 7, 1994 Authors will be notified of status of abstracts.
March 31, 1994 Complete manuscripts due for review.
May 15, 1994 Authors are notified of acceptance or rejection.
Manuscripts are returned, if necessary, for revision.
July 16, 1994 Final manuscripts due.

Abstracts must be in English and should include:
- title of the paper and full address of author(s)
- a summary of approximately 200 words which states the objectives of the paper, outlines the method of research and summarizes results and conclusions
which can be expected.

If you wish to be placed on the mailing list to receive Conference announcementsand another instructions please write to
IRCOBI Secretariat
109, Avenue Salvador Allende
69500 BRON

Tel. +33 72 36 24 20
Fax. +33 72 36 24 37