Dear Coleagues

Please find enclosed the list of names and interests of some more Spine
Modelling people who contacted me after I included the first list in my
e-mail 'Spine Modelling and Engineering Design'. Thanks again.

Serpil Acar

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Dr B Serpil Acar
Department of Computer Studies,
Loughborough University of Technology
Loughborough, Leics.
LE11 3TU

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tel: +44 509 222879 fax: +44 509 211586 e-mail:

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Carl-Eric AUBIN

working on finite element modelling of the whole scoliotic
spine and rib cage. This model includes a refined representation
of the posterior part of the spine. The input geometry to the
model is personalized and parametrized using stereoradiographic
3D reconstructions and CT scans reconstructions. This project is
done in collaboration with the "Laboratoire de Biomecanique" of
the ENSAM (Paris).

Barry Myers

co-authored a book chapter which has a brief outline of some the
models of the neck. This would mostly be usefull for the reference list.
Text is entitled Accidental Injury: Biomechanics and Prevention. Ed: A.
and J. Melvin, Springer Verlag, 1993.. The chapter is Biomechanical
Aspects of
Cervical Spine Trauma by J. McElhaney and I.
We currently use both rigid body and FEA models to characterize the
cervical spine
dynamics produced during our experimental studies on cervical impact

Jim Morrison

presently involved in a major project on effects of whole
body vibration and shock on humans. As part of this study we have
been looking at spinal models and are considering adopting one or
building our own. I have in the past developed a muscle model, but
used it to analyse locomotion, and may try to incorporate this into a
spinal model. The main feature of the muscle model was that it was
based on physiological constraints rather than the usual mathematical
(optimization) approach. I would therefore be interested in staying
on your mailing list. We are also involved in developing a dose
response model for shocks, which will probably borrow from the
Palmgren-Minor Hypothesis for material fatigue. So far we have a lot
of fancy equations and ideas which we hope to formulate into a more
concrete model.

Othmar Gaber

(The name was suggested by a subscriber colleague: Erich Brenner,

is working on the dynamics of the human spine.