OCTOBER 9-12, 1994
Organized and sponsored by:
The Society for Computer Simulation International (SCS)
With cooperation of:
The European Simulation Council (ESC)
Ministry of Industry and Trade, Turkey
Operational Research Society of Turkey (ORST)
Cosponsored by:
Hewlett Packard
IBM Turk
Main Topics:
* Advances in Simulation Methodology and Practices
* Artificial Intelligence in Simulation
* Innovative Simulation Technologies
* Industrial Simulation
* Computer and Telecommunication Systems
Conference Chairman:
Prof. Dr. Tuncer I. Oren
University of Ottawa, Computer Science Department, 150 Louis Pasteur / Pri.,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5
Phone: 1.613.654.5068
Fax: 1.613.564.7089
Program Chairman:
Prof. Dr. Ali Riza Kaylan
Bogazici University, Dept.of Industrial Engineering, 80815 Bebek, Istanbul,
Phone: 90.212.2631540/2072
Fax: 90.212.2651800
E-Mail: Kaylan@trboun.bitnet
Program Co-chairman:
Prof. Dr. Axel Lehmann
Universitaet der Bundeswehr, Munchen, Institut fur Technische Informatik,
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, D 85577 Neubiberg, Germany.
Phone: 49.89.6004.2648/2654
Fax: 49.89.6004.3560
Finance Chairman:
Rainer Rimane, University of Erlangen - Nurnberg
Organization Committee:
Ali Riza Kaylan, Yaman Barlas, Murat Draman, Levent Mollamustafaoglu, Tulin
International Program Committee (Preliminary):
O. Balci, USA
J. Banks, USA
G. Bolch, Germany
R. Crosbie, USA
B. Delaney, USA
M. S. Elzas, Netherlands
H. Erkut, Turkey
A. Eyler, Turkey
P. Fishwick, USA
E. Gelenbe, USA
A. Guasch, Spain
M. Hitz, Austria
R. Huntsinger, USA
G. Iazeolla, Italy
K. Irmscher, Germany
K. Juslin, Finland
A. Javor, Hungary
E. Kerckhoffs, Netherlands
J. Kleijnen, Netherlands
M. Kotva, Czech Rep.
M. Koksalan, Turkey
M. L. Pagdett, USA
M. Pior, Germany
R. Reddy, USA
S. Reddy, USA
B. Schmidt, Germany
S. Sevinc, Australia
H. Szczerbicka, Germany
S. Tabaka, Japan
O. Tanir, Canada
G. Vansteenkiste, Belgium
M. Wildberger, USA
S. Xia, UK
R. Zobel, UK
The ESS series (organized by SCS, the Society for Computer Simulation
International) is now in its fifth year. SCS is an international non-profit
organization founded in 1952. On a yearly basis SCS organizes 6 Simulation
Conferences worldwide, cooperates in 2 others, and publishes the monthly
magazine Simulation, a quarterly Transactions, and books. For more information,
please tick the appropriate box on the reply card.
During ESS'94 the following events will be presented besides the scientific
Professional Seminars
The first day of the conference is dedicated to professional seminars, which
will be presented for those interested participants to expose the state-of-art
overview of each of the five main themes of this conference. Participation fee
is included in the conference registration fee. If you have suggestions for
other advanced tutorial topics, please contact one of the program chairmen.
An exhibition will be held in the central hall where all participants meet for
coffee and tea. There will be a special exhibition section for universities and
non-profit organizations, and a special section for publishers and commercial
stands. If you would like to participate in the exhibition, please contact the
SCS European Office.
Vendor Sessions, Demonstrations and Video Presentations
For demonstrations or video sessions, please contact SCS International at the
European Office. Special sessions within the scientific program will be set up
for vendor presentations.
Other Organized Meetings
Several User Group meetings for simulation languages and tools will be
organized on Monday. It is possible to have other meetings on Monday as well.
If you would like to arrange a meeting, please contact the Conference Chairman.
We will be happy to provide a meeting room and other necessary equipment.
Istanbul, the only city in the world built on two continents, stands on the
shores of the Istanbul Bogazi (Bosphorus) where the waters of the Black Sea
mingle with those of the Sea of Marmara and the Golden Horn. Here on this
splendid site, Istanbul guards the precious relics of three empires of which
she has been the capital; a unique link between East and West, past and
present. Istanbul has infinite variety: museums, ancient churches, palaces,
great mosques, bazaars and the Bosphorus. However long you stay, just a few
days or longer, your time will be wonderfully filled in this unforgettable city.
Bogazici University, which will host ESS'94 has its origins in Robert College,
first American College founded outside of the United States in 1863. It has a
well deserved reputation for academic excellence and accordingly attracts
students from among the best and brightest in Turkey. The University is
composed of four faculties, six institutes (offering graduate programs), and
two other schools.
The conference location is Istanbul Dedeman, an international five star hotel,
which is located in the center of the city with a spectacular view of the
Bosphorus. It is in a very close district to the most of the historical places
as well as to the business center. For the conference participants the single
room special rate is 65 US dollars.
The 1994 SCS European Simulation Symposium is structured around the following
five major themes. A parallel track will be devoted to each of the five topics.
The conference language is English.
* Advances in Simulation Methodology and Practices, e.g.:
- Advanced Modelling, Experimentation, and Output Analysis and Display
- Object-Oriented System Design and Simulation
- Optimization of Simulation Models
- Validation and Verification Techniques
- Mixed Methodology Modelling
- Special Simulation Tools and Environments
* Artificial Intelligence in Simulation, e.g.:
- Knowledge-based Simulation Environments and Knowledge Bases
- Knowledge-based System Applications
- Reliability Assurance through Knowledge-based Techniques
- Mixed Qualitative and Quantitative Simulation
- Neural Networks in Simulation
* Innovative Simulation Technologies:
- Virtual Reality
- Multimedia Applications
* Industrial Simulation, e.g. Simulation in:
- Design and Manufacturing, CAD, CIM
- Process Control
- Robotics and Automation
- Concurrent Engineering, Scheduling
* Computer and Telecommunication Systems, e.g.:
- Circuit Simulation, Fault Simulation
- Computer Systems
- Telecommunication Devices and Systems
- Networks
Focusing on the main tracks of the conference, invited speakers will give
special in-depth presentations in plenary sessions, which will be included
in the proceedings of the conference.
The 1994 European Simulation Symposium will award the best five papers, one in
each of the five tracks. From these five papers, the best overall paper of the
conference will be chosen. The awarded papers will be published in an
International Journal, if necessary after incorporating modifications in the
Extended abstracts (300 words, 2-3 pages for full and 150 words, 1 page for
short papers typewritten without drawings and tables) are due to arrive in
QUADRUPLICATE at the office of Ali Riza Kaylan, at the Industrial Engineering
Department of Bogazici University, TURKEY before March 1, 1994.
Only original papers, written in English, which have not previously been
published elsewhere will be accepted. In case you want to organize a panel
discussion, please contact the program chairmen.
Authors are expected to register early (at a reduced fee) and to attend the
conference at their own expense to present the accepted papers. If early
registration and payment are not made, the paper will not be published in the
conference proceedings. In the case of multi-authors, one author should be
identified as the person who will act as correspondent for the paper.
Abstracts will be reviewed by 3 members of the International Program Committee
for full papers and one member for short papers. Notification of acceptance or
rejection will be sent by April 30, 1994.
An author kit with complete instruction for preparing a camera-ready copy for
the proceedings will be sent to authors of accepted abstracts. The camera-ready
copy of the papers must be in by July 15, 1994. Only the full papers, which
are expected to be 5-6 pages long, will be published in the conference
proceedings. In order to guarantee a high-quality conference, the full papers
will be reviewed as well, to check whether the suggestions of the program
committee have been incorporated. The nominees for the best paper awards will
be selected as well.
Author SCS members Other participants
Registration before BF 15000 BF 15000 BF 17000
August 31, 1994 (375 ECU) (375 ECU) (425 ECU)
Registration after Preregistration BF 17000 BF 20000
August 31, 1994 required (425 ECU) (500 ECU)
or at the conference
The registration fee includes one copy of the Conference Proceedings, attending
professional seminars, coffee and tea during the breaks, all lunches, a welcome
cocktail and the conference dinner.
Philippe Geril
The Society for Computer Simulation, European Simulation Office, University of
Ghent Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.
Phone (Office):
Phone (Home): 32.59.800.804
Fax (Office):
Family Name:
First Name:
Occupation and/or Title:
Mailing Address:
Yes, I intend to attend the European Simulation Symposium ESS'94:
o Proposing a paper
o Proposing a panel discussion
o Participating a vendor session
o Contributing to the exhibition
o Without presenting a paper
The provisional title of my paper / poster / exhibited tool is:
With the following topics:
The paper belongs to the category (please tick one):
o Advances in Simulation Methodology and Practices
o Artificial Intelligence in Simulation
o Innovative Simulation Technologies
o Industrial Simulation
o Computer and Telecommunication Systems
The paper will be submitted as a:
o Full paper
o Short Paper
o Poster session
o Demonstration
Other colleague(s) interested in the topics of the conference is/are:
If you would like to receive more information about SCS and its activities,
please tick the following box:
o YES, I would to know more about SCS.
Please mail this card immediately to:
Philippe Geril, The Society for Computer Simulation, European Simulation Office
University of Ghent, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.
================================================== ===========================
Prof.Dr. Ali R. Kaylan Director of Computer Center
Bogazici University e-mail: Kaylan@Trboun.Bitnet
Dept. of Industrial Eng'g. fax-no: (90-1)265 63 57 or (90-1)265 93 62
Bebek 80815 phone: (90-1)265 93 62
Istanbul, TURKIYE phone: (90-1)263 15 40 ext. 1445,1727,1407
================================================== ===========================
OCTOBER 9-12, 1994
Organized and sponsored by:
The Society for Computer Simulation International (SCS)
With cooperation of:
The European Simulation Council (ESC)
Ministry of Industry and Trade, Turkey
Operational Research Society of Turkey (ORST)
Cosponsored by:
Hewlett Packard
IBM Turk
Main Topics:
* Advances in Simulation Methodology and Practices
* Artificial Intelligence in Simulation
* Innovative Simulation Technologies
* Industrial Simulation
* Computer and Telecommunication Systems
Conference Chairman:
Prof. Dr. Tuncer I. Oren
University of Ottawa, Computer Science Department, 150 Louis Pasteur / Pri.,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5
Phone: 1.613.654.5068
Fax: 1.613.564.7089
Program Chairman:
Prof. Dr. Ali Riza Kaylan
Bogazici University, Dept.of Industrial Engineering, 80815 Bebek, Istanbul,
Phone: 90.212.2631540/2072
Fax: 90.212.2651800
E-Mail: Kaylan@trboun.bitnet
Program Co-chairman:
Prof. Dr. Axel Lehmann
Universitaet der Bundeswehr, Munchen, Institut fur Technische Informatik,
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, D 85577 Neubiberg, Germany.
Phone: 49.89.6004.2648/2654
Fax: 49.89.6004.3560
Finance Chairman:
Rainer Rimane, University of Erlangen - Nurnberg
Organization Committee:
Ali Riza Kaylan, Yaman Barlas, Murat Draman, Levent Mollamustafaoglu, Tulin
International Program Committee (Preliminary):
O. Balci, USA
J. Banks, USA
G. Bolch, Germany
R. Crosbie, USA
B. Delaney, USA
M. S. Elzas, Netherlands
H. Erkut, Turkey
A. Eyler, Turkey
P. Fishwick, USA
E. Gelenbe, USA
A. Guasch, Spain
M. Hitz, Austria
R. Huntsinger, USA
G. Iazeolla, Italy
K. Irmscher, Germany
K. Juslin, Finland
A. Javor, Hungary
E. Kerckhoffs, Netherlands
J. Kleijnen, Netherlands
M. Kotva, Czech Rep.
M. Koksalan, Turkey
M. L. Pagdett, USA
M. Pior, Germany
R. Reddy, USA
S. Reddy, USA
B. Schmidt, Germany
S. Sevinc, Australia
H. Szczerbicka, Germany
S. Tabaka, Japan
O. Tanir, Canada
G. Vansteenkiste, Belgium
M. Wildberger, USA
S. Xia, UK
R. Zobel, UK
The ESS series (organized by SCS, the Society for Computer Simulation
International) is now in its fifth year. SCS is an international non-profit
organization founded in 1952. On a yearly basis SCS organizes 6 Simulation
Conferences worldwide, cooperates in 2 others, and publishes the monthly
magazine Simulation, a quarterly Transactions, and books. For more information,
please tick the appropriate box on the reply card.
During ESS'94 the following events will be presented besides the scientific
Professional Seminars
The first day of the conference is dedicated to professional seminars, which
will be presented for those interested participants to expose the state-of-art
overview of each of the five main themes of this conference. Participation fee
is included in the conference registration fee. If you have suggestions for
other advanced tutorial topics, please contact one of the program chairmen.
An exhibition will be held in the central hall where all participants meet for
coffee and tea. There will be a special exhibition section for universities and
non-profit organizations, and a special section for publishers and commercial
stands. If you would like to participate in the exhibition, please contact the
SCS European Office.
Vendor Sessions, Demonstrations and Video Presentations
For demonstrations or video sessions, please contact SCS International at the
European Office. Special sessions within the scientific program will be set up
for vendor presentations.
Other Organized Meetings
Several User Group meetings for simulation languages and tools will be
organized on Monday. It is possible to have other meetings on Monday as well.
If you would like to arrange a meeting, please contact the Conference Chairman.
We will be happy to provide a meeting room and other necessary equipment.
Istanbul, the only city in the world built on two continents, stands on the
shores of the Istanbul Bogazi (Bosphorus) where the waters of the Black Sea
mingle with those of the Sea of Marmara and the Golden Horn. Here on this
splendid site, Istanbul guards the precious relics of three empires of which
she has been the capital; a unique link between East and West, past and
present. Istanbul has infinite variety: museums, ancient churches, palaces,
great mosques, bazaars and the Bosphorus. However long you stay, just a few
days or longer, your time will be wonderfully filled in this unforgettable city.
Bogazici University, which will host ESS'94 has its origins in Robert College,
first American College founded outside of the United States in 1863. It has a
well deserved reputation for academic excellence and accordingly attracts
students from among the best and brightest in Turkey. The University is
composed of four faculties, six institutes (offering graduate programs), and
two other schools.
The conference location is Istanbul Dedeman, an international five star hotel,
which is located in the center of the city with a spectacular view of the
Bosphorus. It is in a very close district to the most of the historical places
as well as to the business center. For the conference participants the single
room special rate is 65 US dollars.
The 1994 SCS European Simulation Symposium is structured around the following
five major themes. A parallel track will be devoted to each of the five topics.
The conference language is English.
* Advances in Simulation Methodology and Practices, e.g.:
- Advanced Modelling, Experimentation, and Output Analysis and Display
- Object-Oriented System Design and Simulation
- Optimization of Simulation Models
- Validation and Verification Techniques
- Mixed Methodology Modelling
- Special Simulation Tools and Environments
* Artificial Intelligence in Simulation, e.g.:
- Knowledge-based Simulation Environments and Knowledge Bases
- Knowledge-based System Applications
- Reliability Assurance through Knowledge-based Techniques
- Mixed Qualitative and Quantitative Simulation
- Neural Networks in Simulation
* Innovative Simulation Technologies:
- Virtual Reality
- Multimedia Applications
* Industrial Simulation, e.g. Simulation in:
- Design and Manufacturing, CAD, CIM
- Process Control
- Robotics and Automation
- Concurrent Engineering, Scheduling
* Computer and Telecommunication Systems, e.g.:
- Circuit Simulation, Fault Simulation
- Computer Systems
- Telecommunication Devices and Systems
- Networks
Focusing on the main tracks of the conference, invited speakers will give
special in-depth presentations in plenary sessions, which will be included
in the proceedings of the conference.
The 1994 European Simulation Symposium will award the best five papers, one in
each of the five tracks. From these five papers, the best overall paper of the
conference will be chosen. The awarded papers will be published in an
International Journal, if necessary after incorporating modifications in the
Extended abstracts (300 words, 2-3 pages for full and 150 words, 1 page for
short papers typewritten without drawings and tables) are due to arrive in
QUADRUPLICATE at the office of Ali Riza Kaylan, at the Industrial Engineering
Department of Bogazici University, TURKEY before March 1, 1994.
Only original papers, written in English, which have not previously been
published elsewhere will be accepted. In case you want to organize a panel
discussion, please contact the program chairmen.
Authors are expected to register early (at a reduced fee) and to attend the
conference at their own expense to present the accepted papers. If early
registration and payment are not made, the paper will not be published in the
conference proceedings. In the case of multi-authors, one author should be
identified as the person who will act as correspondent for the paper.
Abstracts will be reviewed by 3 members of the International Program Committee
for full papers and one member for short papers. Notification of acceptance or
rejection will be sent by April 30, 1994.
An author kit with complete instruction for preparing a camera-ready copy for
the proceedings will be sent to authors of accepted abstracts. The camera-ready
copy of the papers must be in by July 15, 1994. Only the full papers, which
are expected to be 5-6 pages long, will be published in the conference
proceedings. In order to guarantee a high-quality conference, the full papers
will be reviewed as well, to check whether the suggestions of the program
committee have been incorporated. The nominees for the best paper awards will
be selected as well.
Author SCS members Other participants
Registration before BF 15000 BF 15000 BF 17000
August 31, 1994 (375 ECU) (375 ECU) (425 ECU)
Registration after Preregistration BF 17000 BF 20000
August 31, 1994 required (425 ECU) (500 ECU)
or at the conference
The registration fee includes one copy of the Conference Proceedings, attending
professional seminars, coffee and tea during the breaks, all lunches, a welcome
cocktail and the conference dinner.
Philippe Geril
The Society for Computer Simulation, European Simulation Office, University of
Ghent Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.
Phone (Office):
Phone (Home): 32.59.800.804
Fax (Office):
Family Name:
First Name:
Occupation and/or Title:
Mailing Address:
Yes, I intend to attend the European Simulation Symposium ESS'94:
o Proposing a paper
o Proposing a panel discussion
o Participating a vendor session
o Contributing to the exhibition
o Without presenting a paper
The provisional title of my paper / poster / exhibited tool is:
With the following topics:
The paper belongs to the category (please tick one):
o Advances in Simulation Methodology and Practices
o Artificial Intelligence in Simulation
o Innovative Simulation Technologies
o Industrial Simulation
o Computer and Telecommunication Systems
The paper will be submitted as a:
o Full paper
o Short Paper
o Poster session
o Demonstration
Other colleague(s) interested in the topics of the conference is/are:
If you would like to receive more information about SCS and its activities,
please tick the following box:
o YES, I would to know more about SCS.
Please mail this card immediately to:
Philippe Geril, The Society for Computer Simulation, European Simulation Office
University of Ghent, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.
================================================== ===========================
Prof.Dr. Ali R. Kaylan Director of Computer Center
Bogazici University e-mail: Kaylan@Trboun.Bitnet
Dept. of Industrial Eng'g. fax-no: (90-1)265 63 57 or (90-1)265 93 62
Bebek 80815 phone: (90-1)265 93 62
Istanbul, TURKIYE phone: (90-1)263 15 40 ext. 1445,1727,1407
================================================== ===========================