ISB Tutorials July 1, 2007
Together with the local organizing committee in Taipei, Taiwan, the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) is organizing the following tutorials on the opening day of XXI Congress in Taipei on Sunday July 1:
Muscle mechanics: (10:10-12:00) Professor Haruo Sugi
Teikyo University, Japan
Animal locomotion: (10:10-12:00) Dr. Alan Wilson
The Royal Veterinary College of The University of London, UK
Human locomotion: (13:10-15:00) Professor Alberto Minetti,
University Of Milan, Institute of Human Physiology
Foot and ankle joint biomechanics: (13:10-15:00) Professor Sorin Siegler
Drexel University, USA
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Tutorial lectures require a separate registration fee --> see registration
NT$ 850 for ISB/TSB/TSBS member or Non-member student
NT$1,700 for Non-member
Free for ISB/TSB/TSBS student member
See also: http://www.isb2007.org/ then follow Programs/Scientific Programs
Alex Stacoff, Tutorial organizer
Dr. A. Stacoff
ETH Zurich
Institute for Biomechanics
Department of Mechanical and Process
Hönggerberg HCI E 365.1
8093 Zürich
Tel. ++41-(0)44 633 62 18
Fax ++41-(0)44 633 11 24
email: astacoff@ethz.ch
ISB Tutorials July 1, 2007
Together with the local organizing committee in Taipei, Taiwan, the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) is organizing the following tutorials on the opening day of XXI Congress in Taipei on Sunday July 1:
Muscle mechanics: (10:10-12:00) Professor Haruo Sugi
Teikyo University, Japan
Animal locomotion: (10:10-12:00) Dr. Alan Wilson
The Royal Veterinary College of The University of London, UK
Human locomotion: (13:10-15:00) Professor Alberto Minetti,
University Of Milan, Institute of Human Physiology
Foot and ankle joint biomechanics: (13:10-15:00) Professor Sorin Siegler
Drexel University, USA
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Tutorial lectures require a separate registration fee --> see registration
NT$ 850 for ISB/TSB/TSBS member or Non-member student
NT$1,700 for Non-member
Free for ISB/TSB/TSBS student member
See also: http://www.isb2007.org/ then follow Programs/Scientific Programs
Alex Stacoff, Tutorial organizer
Dr. A. Stacoff
ETH Zurich
Institute for Biomechanics
Department of Mechanical and Process
Hönggerberg HCI E 365.1
8093 Zürich
Tel. ++41-(0)44 633 62 18
Fax ++41-(0)44 633 11 24
email: astacoff@ethz.ch