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PhD position available in“the Balanced Hand Project”, Amsterdam,the Netherlands

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  • PhD position available in“the Balanced Hand Project”, Amsterdam,the Netherlands

    PhD position available in “the Balanced Hand Project”, Amsterdam,
    the Netherlands

    The ‘Balanced Hand’ project is a centre of expertise for the surgical
    treatment of the spastic hand in patients with cerebral palsy. Its
    goal is to present clinical and scientific information collected by
    the collaboration of three specialized departments in Amsterdam, the


    The purpose of your research is to develop a model of the upper
    extremity of patients with cerebral palsy that explains their
    deformed movement patterns. Clinically, it is our intention to use
    this model to predict the effects of tendon transfer surgery. For
    that, relevant determinants need to be defined and experimental data
    of these determinants need to be collected.

    Practically, this means that you are evaluating patients before and
    after surgery and will perform kinetic and kinematic evaluations of
    arm movements. During surgery, you will perform muscle biomechanical
    experiments and collect samples of muscles for histological and
    biomechanical analysis.

    It is likely that part of the model development and evaluation will
    be done using human cadaver material or animal models.


    A MSc-degree in movement science, biomedical engineering, or a
    related study with a strong emphasis on biomechanics and/or muscle
    physiology. The ambition to participate in “translational research”,
    combining both fundamental research with work in a clinical setting
    is essential.


    The “balanced hand project “is a cooperation between the Dept.
    Plastic Reconstructive and Hand Surgery of the Academic Medical
    Center, and the Faculty of Human Movement Sciences of the Vrije
    Universiteit Amsterdam, and aims at development of expertise on the
    surgical treatment of the upper extremity in spastic paresis in
    cerebral palsy.

    The research focuses on biomechanical study of the behavior of
    spastic muscles before and after tendon transfer, three-dimensional
    analysis of upper extremity movement patterns, and the evaluation of
    function before and after treatment. The ultimate goal is to optimize
    the treatment strategy in these patients.

    see also

    The position will be on a temporary contract for 4 years, 36 hrs a
    week. Salary 1937,- euro in the first year, to 2482,- euro in the
    last year, including social security reimbursement.

    For Additional information:

    Dr. Mark J.C. Smeulders, Human Movement Scientist

    Dr. Mick Kreulen, Plastic surgeon

    Dr. DirkJan Veeger, Human Movement Scientist

    Please post replies before 15 May to:

    Dr. M.J.C. Smeulders

    Research director 'Hand in Balans'-group

    Afdeling plastische, reconstructieve en handchirurgie, Room G4-254

    P.O. box 22660 , 1100 DD Amsterdam, The Netherlands,

    Or by e-mail to:
