Dear Biomch-l readers
The National University of Singapore will be hosting the 8th International
Conference on Biomedical Engineering to explore the technology of biomedical
engineering systems with special emphasis on applications and implementations.
The aims of this Conference are to promote biomedical engineering practice in
biomedicine and health care, to encourage greater involvement in its practice
and to give recognition to its importance and relevance in biomedicine and
health care.
Contributed papers may be selected for oral or poster presentation. Intending
authors are requested to submit an abstract of not more than 400 words / A4
size (inclusive of diagrams) to the Secretariat. The abstract should state the
main points of the paper and describe clearly new and significant results
obtained. Abstracts must be prepared on a single side, double space typewritten
form and must include author's address, affilation, phone, telex and fax
numbers, if any.
The conference will be held, in Singapore from 7 - 10 December 1994. The
conference site will be at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.
If you have any queries, please contact :
The Secretariat
8th ICBME 1994
336 Smith Street, #06-302
New Bridge Centre
Singapore 0105
Tel : (65) 227 9811
Fax : (65) 227 0257
Alternatively, you can e-mail to me (doskbenj@nusvm) for further queries.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Ben Khoo
Research Fellow
Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery
National University of Singapore
Lower Kent Ridge Road