The Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center (KMRREC) is recruiting three postdoctoral positions funded through an Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training grant from NIDRR. Interested applicants should reply to the address below or send email to:


The Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center is seeking post-doctoral research fellows interested in adult rehabilitation research. These positions are funded by a recent award to KMRREC for a NIDRR Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Center on Interdisciplinary Neuro-musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. Each ARRT fellow will conduct rehabilitation research usually for a two-year term. The activities of each postdoctoral fellow will be directed and monitored by a fellowship mentor experienced in rehabilitation science. Research training is individualized, multidisciplinary and emphasizes the actual conduct of research. To qualify you must have a Ph.D. with an academic background in physical or occupational therapy, kinesiology, biomechanics, neuroscience, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation engineering or a related field.

This training program will be coordinated jointly through two of KMRREC's laboratories, the Rehabilitation Engineering Analysis Laboratory (REAL) and the Human Performance and Motion Analysis Laboratory (HPMAL). The research in these labs addresses a range of topics including: biomechanical and physiological parameters due to body weight supported walking in SCI and Stroke, biomechanics of wheelchair propulsion and the relationship to upper limb pathology in SCI, chemodenervation on spasticity affecting gait, rehabilitation-related research in balance and postural control, and standing MRI imaging applied to osteoarthritis research. Instrumentation in the REAL includes 3-Dmovement analysis (Vicon), EMG, and ground reaction force with motion and visual input control. In REAL, a NeuroCom Research Dynamic Platform system provides perturbations for balance studies. Other resources include extensive simulation modeling software, a multidirectional material testing system, a Doppler ultrasound unit, and a number of small motion and force sensors.Equipment in the HPMAL includes Vicon 7 camera 3D system, 2 Bertec Force Plates, 2 EMG systems, a DEXA body composition scanner, 2 force sensitive wheelchair pushrims (SmartWheels), wheelchair and upper body ergometers, portable activity monitors for walking and wheelchair activities, non-invasive autonomic measurement system, a portable metabolic system and a foot pressure sensing device. The HPMAL is also equipped with a Body weight support system for the study of the recovery of locomotion after SCI and Stroke.

KMRREC is located in West Orange, New Jersey, on the campus of the renowned Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation. KMRREC is part of the NIDRR Spinal Cord Injury model systems. The KMRREC Post-doctoral research program is closely affiliated with the University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ (UMDNJ) with additional collaborations at New Jersey Institute of Technology, Rutgers University, Seton Hall University, New York University, Columbia University and other area Universities. An academic appointment in the department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the UMDNJ in Newark is available for qualified candidates. KMRREC is a non-profit Medical Research Organization whose mission is to conduct cutting edge research and state-of-the-art education in medical science, KMRREC currently has a staff of approximately 70 dedicated research staff.

Interested candidates should please refer to the
"ARRT Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Opportunity"
and Email your CV and three references to
or mail to: KMRREC, Attn: Human Resources, 1199 Pleasant Valley Way, West
Orange, NJ 07052.
EOE ( mailto:careers@EOE ) M/F/D/V. Only candidates being considered will be contracted.
You can visit us at

W. Thomas Edwards, Ph.D.
Director of Rehabilitation Engineering
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research & Education Corp. (KMRREC)
1199 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052
phone: (973) 324-3539
fax: (973) 243-6984