Dear all, I have followed with interest the whole discussion about markers
positions, and I have a global question regarding 3D model reconstruction.
I’m a PhD student in sport sciences at the University of Lausanne, and the
aim of my study is to analyse skier’s movements in a giant slalom. I’m
looking for the best setup to analyse the skier with the best precision
during a run in standard conditions. My first idea is to use 6 rotating
optical cameras to follow the skier during 4 gates. The skier would wear a
white suit with black spherical markers to allow automatic tracking.
I have 3 questions for which I would very much appreciate your help and
1. Do you think this setup could work?
2. Were to place the markers to allow the entire body reconstruction?
3. Witch accuracy could be obtained.
Thank you in advance for your answer!
Frédéric Meyer
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