I am looking for age-dependent norms for functional ability tests in
older adults which may give normative data for various age groups e.g.
each decade from 60 years old up and possibly divided into gender groups
as well. Data for the following tests would be particularly useful:
repeated chair rise (5 times)
6 m usual (self-selected) walk speed or even average walking velocity
over similar short distances
400 m walk speed
I have tried searching Medline and Google scholar and the studies that
i have found while of some use have not answered all of my questions.
Justin Keogh PhD
Senior Lecturer
School of Sport and Recreation
Institute of Sport and Recreation Research New Zealand
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Room AH221I
Phone: 64-9-921-9999 ext 7617
Mobile: 027 344 1642
Fax: 64-9-921-9960
email: justin.keogh@aut.ac.nz
Skype username: keoghjustin
I am looking for age-dependent norms for functional ability tests in
older adults which may give normative data for various age groups e.g.
each decade from 60 years old up and possibly divided into gender groups
as well. Data for the following tests would be particularly useful:
repeated chair rise (5 times)
6 m usual (self-selected) walk speed or even average walking velocity
over similar short distances
400 m walk speed
I have tried searching Medline and Google scholar and the studies that
i have found while of some use have not answered all of my questions.
Justin Keogh PhD
Senior Lecturer
School of Sport and Recreation
Institute of Sport and Recreation Research New Zealand
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Room AH221I
Phone: 64-9-921-9999 ext 7617
Mobile: 027 344 1642
Fax: 64-9-921-9960
email: justin.keogh@aut.ac.nz
Skype username: keoghjustin