June 17 & 18, 1994
NeuroMuscular Research Center
Boston University
Boston, MA
This course is designed to benefit the individual who has used surface
electromyography on occasion and wishes to improve his/her skills in the art
of detecting the EMG signal, enhance his/her understanding of the information
contained in the EMG signal and learn novel applications of the EMG signal.
Topics to be Addressed:
* Theory of Electromyography
* Technical Considerations
* Practical Aspects of Detecting the EMG Signal
* Factors that Affect the Amplitude & Frequency of the EMG Signal
* EMG Signal & Force
* EMG Signal & Fatigue
* Clinical Applications of the EMG Signal
Course Format:
* Morning Session: Didactic presentation
* Afternoon Session: Demonstration & hands-on practice
Registration Information:
* The cost for the two-day course is $350.00 (U.S. dollars) per person which
includes two continental breakfasts, beverages, and course handouts.
* Lodging is available in student housing from $35.00 per day or in nearby
hotels from $88.00-$189.00 per day.
* Continuing education credits are pending.
For additional information, please write to:
Carlo J. De Luca
NeuroMuscular Research Center
Boston University
44 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: (617) 353-9757 Fax: (617) 353-5737
E-Mail: DAVIS@bunmrg.bu.edu