Your literature search did not extend far enough back to pick up the first
reporting of this.
See "Morrison, J. B. 1970.The mechanics of the knee joint in relation to
normal walking;
J Biomechanics; 3: 51-61" This article reports some of the work done by
Morrison for
his Doctoral thesis under my supervision at the University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow, Scotland
Professor John P. Paul
The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland,
number SCO15263

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ekin Akalan"
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 10:26 PM
Subject: [BIOMCH-L] About finding an article

> Hi;
> I am working on simulating squatting movement (with an axial load) on
> knee and i found that medial contact force is higher than lateral during
> knee extension during squatting simulation. I need to support this finding
> with some articles and i found the article named
> "Zhao D, Banks SA, D'Lima DD, Colwell CW Jr, Fregly BJ.In vivo medial and
> lateral tibial loads during dynamic and high flexion activities.J Orthop
> Res. 2007 May;25(5):593-602."
> that seems to point this issue. Could you guys help me to find it
> please? If you know any other article that supports the contact force on
> medial compartment higher than the lateral during squat extension on
> normal knee, i really would like to put it in to my article as
> reference...
> I am looking forward to hearing from you..
> many thanks
> N. Ekin Akalan MS. PT.
> Director of the Gait Analysis Laboratory
> I.U. Istanbul Medical Faculty 34390 Capa/Istanbul/Turkey
> Doctoral student in Biomedical Engineering Institute
> Bogazici University 34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey
> Phone: (212) 414-2000/32887 Fax: (212) 635 28 35
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