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Re: Locating Tibialis Anterior tendon's action line using MRI

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  • Re: Locating Tibialis Anterior tendon's action line using MRI

    Dr. Kirby,

    A few thoughts .....

    "Further complicating the line of action of the anterior tibial muscle
    > is the fact that it is bound down at the ankle joint by the superior
    > and inferior extensor retinacula ..."

    I don't know why the retinacula would, in any manner, "complicate"
    the line of action.

    "The anterior tibial muscle has sufficient cross-sectional area and
    > dorsiflexion moment arm to the ankle joint axis [which has a
    > pronation-supination axis just like the subtalar joint]..."

    I don't understand your usage of the term pronation-supination axis
    for the talo-crural joint / upper ankle joint. Unless of course your
    point of reference is to the anatomical planes of the body. Are you
    using the terms Pure and Compound motion as I previously mentioned?
    To the best of my knowledge there is one (anatomically determined -
    screw like) axis at the talo-crural joint. I don't understand why the
    cross sectional area of a muscle would have any effect on the
    direction of movement in this case.

    "At the STJ, the actions of the anterior tibial muscle are more
    > complicated due to the inherent variability of the STJ axis relative
    > from one foot to another."

    I realize that it may seem that I am "nit" picking - but - why would
    the variability of location of the STJ axis complicate the line of
    action of the TA muscle? The line of action / force of the TA muscle
    is what it is - the dynamics of motion is what may change (the
    direction of (?)) movement - e.g. the reversal of muscle action.

    Nevertheless a fine presentation Kevin !!!!!

    I think there should be some attempt to define actions and movement in
    a more uniform manner.



    Quoting Kevin Kirby :

    > Colleagues:
    > I have been reading the discussion anterior tibial muscle line of
    > action with great interest and thought I might be able to offer some
    > information based on my clinical experience and research on subtalar
    > joint axis location.
    > Determining the line of action of the anterior tibial muscle/tendon
    > unit is not a simple task since it originates lateral to the tibia and
    > inserts as a tendon on the medial-plantar aspects of the first
    > cuneiform and first metatarsal. Therefore the anterior tibial tendon
    > passes from proximal lateral to distal-medial obliquely across four
    > joints of the foot and lower extremity, not two joints as previously
    > suggested. The four joints that the anterior tibial tendon cross are
    > the ankle joint, subtalar joint (STJ), talo-navicular joint and
    > navicular-first cuneiform joint.
    > Further complicating the line of action of the anterior tibial muscle
    > is the fact that it is bound down at the ankle joint by the superior
    > and inferior extensor retinacula which have sufficient strength to
    > alter the three dimensional course of the anterior tibial tendon
    > especially when the anterior tibial muscle is relaxed or under low
    > levels of contractile activity. These retaining structures of the
    > anterior ankle exert a passive posteriorly directed force on the
    > anterior tibial tendon which will keep the tendon closer to the ankle
    > joint axis (i.e. more posteriorly located), especially when the muscle
    > is relaxed.
    > The anterior tibial muscle has sufficient cross-sectional area and
    > dorsiflexion moment arm to the ankle joint axis [which has a
    > pronation-supination axis just like the subtalar joint] to have the
    > capacity to generate the greatest magnitude of ankle joint dorsiflexion
    > moment than any other muscle of the foot and lower extremity. The
    > anterior tibial is therefore a very important muscle at decelerating
    > the rapid ankle joint plantarflexion that occurs during the contact
    > phase of walking or heel-striking running due to the high magnitudes of
    > external ankle joint plantarflexion moment that occur due to ground
    > reaction force acting on the posterior aspect of the plantar calcaneus
    > at heel-strike. The anterior tibial muscle also is important at
    > dorsiflexing the ankle during the swing phase of walking to minimize
    > the hip and knee flexion angles required to allow the toes to clear the
    > ground during swing phase and to help prevent tripping and falling.
    > At the STJ, the actions of the anterior tibial muscle are more
    > complicated due to the inherent variability of the STJ axis relative
    > from one foot to another. Most anatomy textbooks claim that the
    > anterior tibial muscle is an invertor or supinator of the foot, while,
    > in fact, there are times that the anterior tibial muscle may exert a
    > STJ pronation moment or be a STJ pronator. This less-recognized action
    > of the anterior tibial muscle will occur if the STJ axis is more
    > medially deviated than normal due to a pes planus/valgus deformity and
    > the STJ is close or in its maximally pronated rotational position. The
    > medial translation and internal rotation of the talar head relative to
    > the anterior tibial tendon insertion points on the first cuneiform and
    > first metatarsal cause a concomitant medial translation and internal
    > rotation of the STJ axis. This abnormal medial position of the STJ
    > axis causes the STJ axis to lie medial to the anterior tibial tendon,
    > making the anterior tibial muscle a STJ pronator. In the hundreds of
    > patients I have examined and treated with posterior tibial tendon
    > dysfunction (i.e. adult acquired flatfoot deformity), where an
    > abduction deformity of the forefoot to the rearfoot has occurred over
    > time, I have noticed that the anterior tibial muscle is a pronator of
    > the STJ when the foot is maximally pronated at the STJ. This clinicial
    > observation, along with evaluation the spatial location of the STJ
    > axis, indicates that the anterior tibial muscle can be classified
    > either as a supinator or pronator of the STJ, depending on the relative
    > position of the tendon to the STJ axis spatial location.
    > Finally, even though the ankle joint and STJ are separate anatomical
    > joints, and therefore independent anatomically due to their separate
    > and distinct synovial compartments, to say the ankle joint and STJ are
    > independent joints functionally, in my opinion, would be a significant
    > error. Since none of the extrinsic muscles of the foot have
    > significant insertions on the talus, then all of the extrinsic muscles
    > of the foot cross both the ankle and STJ axes and, therefore, when any
    > of these muscles exert tensile forces on their pedal insertion points,
    > they will affect the kinetics of both the ankle and subtalar joints
    > simultaneously. Therefore, the kinetics of the ankle and STJ are
    > dependent on each other functionally, sharing the talus as a common
    > articular element, and should not therefore, I believe, be considered
    > to be independent functional joints, but rather should be considered
    > to be functionally dependent joints where the function of one directly
    > affects the function of the other.
    > Cheers,
    > Kevin
    > ************************************************** **************************
    > Kevin A. Kirby, DPM
    > Adjunct Associate Professor
    > Department of Applied Biomechanics
    > California School of Podiatric Medicine at Samuel Merritt College
    > Private Practice:
    > 107 Scripps Drive, Suite 200
    > Sacramento, CA 95825 USA
    > Voice: (916) 925-8111 Fax: (916) 925-8136
    > ************************************************** **************************
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