A post-doctoral position has recently become available in the Northwestern
University Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences. The
successful candidate will participate in biomechanical research that
examines the outcomes post lower extremity arthroplasty. Laboratory
experiments on cadaver models, operating room data collection, and imaging
processing will be integrated parts of this research.
Opportunities exist to interact in collaborative research with engineering
and clinical faculty who specialize in orthopaedics, physical therapy,
rehabilitation, and biomechanical engineering.
Applicants should have a recent PhD degree (or equivalent) in biomedical
engineering and biomechanics or a related discipline. A record of research
in biomechanics, musculoskeletal modeling, and/or finite element modeling is
highly desired. Knowledge/experience on biological materials, soft-tissue
biomechanics, cadaver experiments is a plus.
Salary is commensurate with education and experience.
Interested candidates should submit via e-mail, mail, or fax (e-mail is
preferred) a cover letter with a statement of interests, a resume/
curriculum vitae, and the names of three individuals who can be contacted as
references to:
Fang "Amanda" Lin, DSc
Department of Physical Therapy & Human Movement Sciences Northwestern
645 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100
Chicago, IL 60611
Fax: 312-908-0741
Fang "Amanda" Lin, DSc
Northwestern University/Rehabilitation Institue of Chicago