The division of Biomechanics and Engineering Design, Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) has a vacant Ph.D. student position (4
years) in the area of biomechanics of sleep.

Description: Humans spend about one third of their lives sleeping.
Scientists, however, have only recently started to study the
interaction of relevant environmental variables with sleeping
behavior. This Ph.D. position fits within a project which is a
collaboration between the division of Biomechanics and Engineering
Design, M3-Biores (K.U.Leuven), the department of Cognitive and
Biological Psychology of the VUB (Free University of Brussels) and
the Sleep Disorders Center of the UZA (University Hospitals Antwerp).
Within this PhD project, research will be done on biomechanics
related factors such as spine support and pressure distribution and
their interaction with sleeping human subjects. By means of precise
antropometric modeling as well as polysomnographic validation, a
profound scientific knowledge base is to be set up regarding the
impact of bedding systems on the improvement of sleep quality in general.

Interested candidates should have a MSc in biomedical engineering or
in a subject related to ergonomics.

Applications (including detailed CV and motivation letter) should be sent to
Prof. Jos Vander Sloten
Head, Division of Biomechanics and Engineering Design
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 300C
3001 Leuven

