Dear Biomech Subscribers:

Does anyone out there know of a digital processing code which does a good
job at filtering out A-symmetrical (one sided) noise in raw data?

I have raw potentiometer data which contains large sections of A-symmetrical
noise (both above and below) sampled at 1000 Hertz. Efforts at using digital
filters to eliminate this noise falls short of what I desire.

Thanks to anyone who can help.

--------------------------------------------------------+ THE EYES OF TEXAS
Roger V. Gonzalez, M.S., P.E. (Doctoral Candidate) | ___ ___
Mechanical Engineering, Mail Code 62200 | \_ \ _____ / _/
Engineering Teaching Center, 3.104 | \ \_/ \_/ /
The University of Texas at Austin | \__ O O __/
Austin, TX, USA 78712 | \ < > /
TEL: (512) 471-5718 / 471-5615 FAX: (512) 471-7683 | \___/
Internet E-mail: |
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