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We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement or if
it does not interest you
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Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the 7th edition of Progress in Motor
Control will be held in Marseille (FRANCE) from July 23-25, 2009. This
conference is organized under the auspices of the International Society
of Motor Control with the goal to promote basic and applied research in
the field of movement control in biological and artificial systems.
Motor control research is increasingly multidisciplinary. Understanding
the acquisition and performance of voluntary movements has fascinated
scientists working in different areas such as biology, mathematics,
biomechanics, neuroscience, psychology, kinesiology, physical therapy,
and engineering. Progress in Motor Control aims to bring together
researchers from this wide range of disciplines for exciting discussions
on recent progress in the area.
The three days conference will include invited presentations organized
in symposia on cutting-edge topics and free poster presentations. Panel
discussions will conclude each symposium. Poster presentations will be
elected from those submitted in response to the call for abstracts.
Abstract submission for posters will start November 1st, 2008
Current list of speakers:
Eckart Altenmuller (Institute of Music Physiology, GERMANY)
Carlo Avizzano (University of Pisa, ITALY)
Peter Beek (Free University, NETHERLAND)
Marcos Duarte (University of Sao Paulo, BRAZIL)
Randy Flanagan (Queens University, CANADA)
Nicolas Franceschini (Mediterranean University, FRANCE)
Till Frank (University of Connecticut, USA)
Scott Frey (University of Oregon, USA)
Nicholas Hatsopoulos (University of Chicago, USA)
Walter Herzog (University of Calgary, CANADA)
Auke Ijspeert (Federal Polytechnic School, SWITZERLAND)
Hiroshi Imamizu (National Institute of Communications Technology, JAPAN)
Viktor Jirsa (Mediterranean University, FRANCE)
Scott Kelso (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
Mark Latash (Penn State University, USA)
Alexa Riehle (Mediterranean University, FRANCE)
John Rothwell (University College London, GB)
Reza Shadmehr (John Hopkins University, USA)
Angela Sirigu (University Claude Bernard, FRANCE)
Stephan Swinnen (Catholic University, BELGIUM)
Lena Ting (Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Michael Turvey (University of Connecticut, USA)
David Vaillancourt (University of Illinois, USA)
Organizing Committee:
Frédéric Danion (Chair)
Lionel Bringoux
Thomas Brochier
Viktor Jirsa
Julien Lagarde
Nicole Malfait
For more information about Progress in Motor Control please visit our
website: http://www.pmc2009.fr
We look forward to meeting you next summer in France!
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement or if
it does not interest you
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Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the 7th edition of Progress in Motor
Control will be held in Marseille (FRANCE) from July 23-25, 2009. This
conference is organized under the auspices of the International Society
of Motor Control with the goal to promote basic and applied research in
the field of movement control in biological and artificial systems.
Motor control research is increasingly multidisciplinary. Understanding
the acquisition and performance of voluntary movements has fascinated
scientists working in different areas such as biology, mathematics,
biomechanics, neuroscience, psychology, kinesiology, physical therapy,
and engineering. Progress in Motor Control aims to bring together
researchers from this wide range of disciplines for exciting discussions
on recent progress in the area.
The three days conference will include invited presentations organized
in symposia on cutting-edge topics and free poster presentations. Panel
discussions will conclude each symposium. Poster presentations will be
elected from those submitted in response to the call for abstracts.
Abstract submission for posters will start November 1st, 2008
Current list of speakers:
Eckart Altenmuller (Institute of Music Physiology, GERMANY)
Carlo Avizzano (University of Pisa, ITALY)
Peter Beek (Free University, NETHERLAND)
Marcos Duarte (University of Sao Paulo, BRAZIL)
Randy Flanagan (Queens University, CANADA)
Nicolas Franceschini (Mediterranean University, FRANCE)
Till Frank (University of Connecticut, USA)
Scott Frey (University of Oregon, USA)
Nicholas Hatsopoulos (University of Chicago, USA)
Walter Herzog (University of Calgary, CANADA)
Auke Ijspeert (Federal Polytechnic School, SWITZERLAND)
Hiroshi Imamizu (National Institute of Communications Technology, JAPAN)
Viktor Jirsa (Mediterranean University, FRANCE)
Scott Kelso (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
Mark Latash (Penn State University, USA)
Alexa Riehle (Mediterranean University, FRANCE)
John Rothwell (University College London, GB)
Reza Shadmehr (John Hopkins University, USA)
Angela Sirigu (University Claude Bernard, FRANCE)
Stephan Swinnen (Catholic University, BELGIUM)
Lena Ting (Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Michael Turvey (University of Connecticut, USA)
David Vaillancourt (University of Illinois, USA)
Organizing Committee:
Frédéric Danion (Chair)
Lionel Bringoux
Thomas Brochier
Viktor Jirsa
Julien Lagarde
Nicole Malfait
For more information about Progress in Motor Control please visit our
website: http://www.pmc2009.fr
We look forward to meeting you next summer in France!