Abstract deadline: 3rd November 2008
Enquiries and abstracts to be sent to Amy Hurlstone: a_hurlstone@imeche.org
Conference flyer: http://events.imeche.org/EventView.aspx?EventID=428
Knee Arthroplasty: From early intervention to revision
An IMechE conference
30th April -2nd May 2009
Royal College of Surgeons, London, UK
Knee arthroplasty is the preferred option for the surgical management of the arthritic knee in the elderly population and although it enjoys considerable success, there is room for improvement. Although survivorship rates are impressive, there is still a need to improve function, to reflect the increasing functional demands of patients. New designs are regularly entering the market, but are they significantly better than existing implants? Computer assisted surgery has been shown to increase the repeatability of surgery. However, there is considerable debate as to whether it is cost effective or enhances the clinical outcome. Are there alternative, lower cost technologies that could achieve similar results? We also still face significant challenges in the treatment of the young arthritic knee. Is bi-compartmental UKR better than TKR? Is UKR in conjunction with patella-femoral replacement an effective treatment? Can ligament reconstruction and repair of small cartilage defects extend the indications for unicompartmental knee replacement? Do we have a viable alternative to knee arthroplasty? As well as discussing the latest technology, this conference will explore the issues related to the development of radical new designs of knee arthroplasty, innovative new materials, advanced minimal invasive techniques and computer assisted surgery.
In order to advance the current state of the art, there is a series of challenges which still need to be addressed. New designs will focus on improving functionality without compromising longevity. This represents a significant challenge in the development of appropriate performance assessment tools. Early failure of the articular surface in the young adult is not satisfactorily addressed with current procedures. There is a need for enhanced materials and new designs capable of substituting for the damaged articular cartilage. Minimally invasive techniques may offer some advantages but the lack of access can lead to mal-positioning. How can minimally invasive surgery of the knee be improved and is computer assisted minimally invasive surgery the way forward? Advances in computer assisted surgery have lead to the prospect of individualised functional alignment to maximise performance. Although the computing modelling technology exists, its application to intra-operative prediction of TKR performance presents a significant challenge.
This conference will bring together surgeons, engineers and industry to address these issues and to act as platform for the future development of knee arthroplasty and its alternatives.
The programme will consist of invited lectures and submitted papers. The main programme topics will include, but are not restricted to:
* Indications and contraindications (from repairing focal cartilage defects through to revision)
* Computer aided surgery
* Minimally invasive surgery
* UKR (in conjunction with ligament reconstruction and mosaicplasty)
* Patellofemoral replacement
* Total knee replacement
* Revision knee arthroplasty (surgical technique and biomechanics)
* Functional assessment of knee arthroplasty
* Surveillance of implant performance
* Wear
* Polyethylene
* Ceramics in knee arthroplasty
* Experimental testing (wear simulations, cadaveric testing)
* Computer simulation (pre-clinical testing, intra-operative planning, surgeon training, probabilistic analyses)
* New materials
* Biomechanics of the intact and implanted knee
* Musculoskeletal modelling
Confirmed speakers include:
Dr Scott Banks, USA
Professor David Barrett, UK
Dr Daniel Berry, USA
Professor Fabio Catani, Italy
Professor Justin Cobb, UK
Dr Douglas Dennis, USA
Professor John Fisher, UK
Dr Seth Greenwald, USA
Mr David Murray, UK
Dr Paul Rullkoetter, USA
Prof. Peter Walker, USA
Call for Papers
Prospective contributors to the conference are invited to submit a 500 word abstract to the IMechE by Friday 3rd November 2008. The abstract must use 12-14 point font and contain the title, authors names and affiliations. The abstracts will be written and presented in English. Although all submitted abstracts will be considered by the Organising Committee, final acceptance will depend upon the Committee's decision. The presenting author of each paper will be entitled to a reduction in the Conference registration fee. Authors are expected to attend the Conference to present their work.
Abstracts only of accepted papers as well as the abstracts from the invited speakers will be published in a bound volume which will be distributed to the conference delegates. Selected abstracts will be invited to submit full manuscripts to be published in the Proceedings of the IMechE.
Organising Committee
Professor Mark Taylor (Conference Chair) University of Southampton
Professor David Barrett Southampton General Hospital
Dr Anthony Bull Imperial College, London
Professor Justin Cobb Imperial College, London
Professor Brian Davies Imperial College, London
Dr Peter Lawes Medical Technology Consultant
Professor Anthony Unsworth University of Durham
Kind regards,
Knee Arthroplasty: From Early Intervention to Revision
An IMechE Conference
London, 30th April - 2nd May 2009
Abstract deadline: 3rd November 2008
Prof. Mark Taylor
Professor of Bioengineering Science
Bioengineering Science Research Group
School of Engineering Science
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ
Tel: ++ 44 (0)2380 597660
Fax: ++ 44 (0)2380 593016
Mobile: ++ 44 (0)7939 101019