Reminder: European Society of Biomechanics 2009 Workshop
Movement Biomechanics and Sport
7-9 June 2009
ETH Zurich, Science City, Zurich, Switzerland
List of topics for free presentations:
The workshop focuses on the influence of movement and sport on soft tissues, especially on muscles, ligaments and tendons. From a biomechanical point of view, the workshop welcomes abstracts reporting results from experiments, theoretical modelling, simulation, and new measurement techniques. Multiscale approaches are particularly encouraged.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Material response - mechanical effects of loading
Load cases and boundary conditions
Material characterization and modelling
- System response - immediate and short term effects of loading
Load cases during daily activities and sport
Stimulation, injury, pain
- System adaptation - long term effects of loading
Mechanobiology, soft tissue adaptation
Influence of health, age and gender
Chronic pain
Important dates:
1. February 2009 Deadline for abstract submission
15. March 2009 Notice of acceptance
1. April 2009 Deadline for early registration
The proceedings of the workshop consist of one or two page long abstracts. The template can be downloaded from our webpage:
The confirmed tutorial speakers are:
Prof. Per Aagaard University of Southern Denmark, DK
Dr. Helen Birch University College London, UK
Dr. Jachen Denoth ETH Zurich, CH
Prof. Martin Flück Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
PD Dr. Jörg Goldhahn Schulthess Clinic, Zurich, CH
Prof. Geoffrey Goldspink University College London, UK
Prof. Hans Hoppeler University of Bern, CH
Dr. Marco Linari University of Florence, IT
Prof. Marco Narici Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Prof. Jess Snedeker University of Zurich, CH
Dr. Viktor Tiegermann biotissue technologies, Freiburg, GER
Early registration fees (includes 2 lunches, 1 buffet reception, conference dinner and coffee):
Student ESB Member: 350 CHF / 225 Euro
Student Non-ESB Member: 450 CHF / 300 Euro
ESB Member: 560 CHF / 375 Euro
Non-ESB Member: 660 CHF / 450 Euro
For registration after 1. April 2009 an additional fee of 80 CHF will be charged.
Movement Biomechanics and Sport
7-9 June 2009
ETH Zurich, Science City, Zurich, Switzerland
List of topics for free presentations:
The workshop focuses on the influence of movement and sport on soft tissues, especially on muscles, ligaments and tendons. From a biomechanical point of view, the workshop welcomes abstracts reporting results from experiments, theoretical modelling, simulation, and new measurement techniques. Multiscale approaches are particularly encouraged.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Material response - mechanical effects of loading
Load cases and boundary conditions
Material characterization and modelling
- System response - immediate and short term effects of loading
Load cases during daily activities and sport
Stimulation, injury, pain
- System adaptation - long term effects of loading
Mechanobiology, soft tissue adaptation
Influence of health, age and gender
Chronic pain
Important dates:
1. February 2009 Deadline for abstract submission
15. March 2009 Notice of acceptance
1. April 2009 Deadline for early registration
The proceedings of the workshop consist of one or two page long abstracts. The template can be downloaded from our webpage:
The confirmed tutorial speakers are:
Prof. Per Aagaard University of Southern Denmark, DK
Dr. Helen Birch University College London, UK
Dr. Jachen Denoth ETH Zurich, CH
Prof. Martin Flück Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
PD Dr. Jörg Goldhahn Schulthess Clinic, Zurich, CH
Prof. Geoffrey Goldspink University College London, UK
Prof. Hans Hoppeler University of Bern, CH
Dr. Marco Linari University of Florence, IT
Prof. Marco Narici Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Prof. Jess Snedeker University of Zurich, CH
Dr. Viktor Tiegermann biotissue technologies, Freiburg, GER
Early registration fees (includes 2 lunches, 1 buffet reception, conference dinner and coffee):
Student ESB Member: 350 CHF / 225 Euro
Student Non-ESB Member: 450 CHF / 300 Euro
ESB Member: 560 CHF / 375 Euro
Non-ESB Member: 660 CHF / 450 Euro
For registration after 1. April 2009 an additional fee of 80 CHF will be charged.