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First Call for Papers: 27th ISBS Conference, August 17-21, 2009,Limerick, Ireland

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  • First Call for Papers: 27th ISBS Conference, August 17-21, 2009,Limerick, Ireland

    Dear colleagues,

    Paper submission for the XXVII International Society of Biomechanics in
    Sports Conference (ISBS 2009) will open February 1st 2009. Closing date
    for submission of papers will be strictly April 1st [please note change
    of date from First Official Announcement in December 2008].

    The XXVII International Society of Biomechanics in Sports Conference
    will run from 17-21 August 2009 in Limerick, Ireland and is hosted by
    the Biomechanics Research Unit and the University of Limerick. ISBS
    2009 is the first major biomechanics conference hosted in Ireland and we
    hope biomechanists and exercise scientists from all over the world will
    come and attend this exciting event. Papers will be accepted, but not
    limited to for the following areas:

    - Applied instrumentation

    - Aquatics

    - Coaching Biomechanics

    - Data Processing Techniques

    - Field & land sports

    - Golf

    - Muscle modelling / function

    - Sports Injury

    - Strength & conditioning

    - Training methodologies & equipment

    - Winter sports

    Two types of papers are accepted for review:

    - Full Paper: up to 4 pages

    - Short Paper (Work-in-Progress): 1-page paper

    All papers are subject to review by the Scientific Committee of the
    XXVII International Society of Biomechanics in Sports Conference. Papers
    accepted will be published in the Scientific Proceedings of the XXVII
    ISBS Conference 2009.

    Full instructions for papers and posters including templates for correct
    formatting are available on the conference website .

    Limerick City is the hub and capital of the Shannon Region and the 3rd
    largest city in the Republic of Ireland. Its colourful and fascinating
    history is evident everywhere and proudly maintained. Limerick is a
    proud, progressive and thriving City with a charter older than that of
    London; its castles, ancient walls and museums are testament to its
    dramatic past. Limerick embraces its sporting nature; the spiritual
    home to Munster Rugby, a very strong heritage in rowing, world renowned
    golf courses, and an all embracing culture around sport makes it an
    exciting place to hold ISBS 2009.

    For more information on the scientific & social programmes, paper
    submission, registration, and accommodation, please visit the Conference
    website: . Follow for a virtual tour of the University
    campus, including Cappavilla Conference accommodation.

    Should you have questions, direct your enquiries to the following: (general conference queries);
    (paper submission and scientific programme queries); (travel and regional vacation queries); (accommodation queries).

    We look forward to welcoming you to Limerick in August.


    Dr Drew Harrison & Dr Ross Anderson

    Chairs, XXVII International Society of Biomechanics in Sports Conference
