Call for Papers
The 2009 Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics will be held from
August 26 to 29 at The Pennsylvania State University in State College. We
encourage the submission of abstracts from researchers in the different
disciplines and fields of application, including biological sciences, exercise
and sports science, health sciences, ergonomics and human factors, and
engineering and applied science. The abstract submission website will open on
Monday, March 2 and abstracts will be accepted until 4:00 CST on Friday, April
The program will open with lab tours and tutorials. The body of the meeting
will include keynote lectures, symposia, podium sessions, and poster sessions.
 In addition, there will be both competitive (Clinical Biomechanics, Journal
of Biomechanics, Young Scientist Pre-Doctoral, Young Scientist Post-Doctoral)
and honorary (Borelli and Hay) award sessions. Please
visit  for details on the awards.
Updated information on ASB 2009 will be posted
at .
Meeting Co-Chairs: John Challis and Jinger GottschallProgram Chair: Steve McCaw
Jinger S Gottschall
Assistant Professor
Department of Kinesiology
College of Health and Human Development
Physiology Intercollege Graduate Program
The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
29J Recreation Building
University Park PA 16802
The 2009 Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics will be held from
August 26 to 29 at The Pennsylvania State University in State College. We
encourage the submission of abstracts from researchers in the different
disciplines and fields of application, including biological sciences, exercise
and sports science, health sciences, ergonomics and human factors, and
engineering and applied science. The abstract submission website will open on
Monday, March 2 and abstracts will be accepted until 4:00 CST on Friday, April
The program will open with lab tours and tutorials. The body of the meeting
will include keynote lectures, symposia, podium sessions, and poster sessions.
 In addition, there will be both competitive (Clinical Biomechanics, Journal
of Biomechanics, Young Scientist Pre-Doctoral, Young Scientist Post-Doctoral)
and honorary (Borelli and Hay) award sessions. Please
visit  for details on the awards.
Updated information on ASB 2009 will be posted
at .
Meeting Co-Chairs: John Challis and Jinger GottschallProgram Chair: Steve McCaw
Jinger S Gottschall
Assistant Professor
Department of Kinesiology
College of Health and Human Development
Physiology Intercollege Graduate Program
The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
29J Recreation Building
University Park PA 16802