***Free One-and-a-Half Day Musculoskeletal Modeling and Simulation
Hosted by: Ozen Engineering
Location: 132 Fluor Daniel / EIB, Clemson University
Time: February 17, 2009, 9:00am- 4:30pm and February 18, 9:00am- 12:00pm

Dr. David Wagner
Project Manager - Ozen Engineering
Phone: 408-732-4665
email: dwwagner@ozeninc.com
web: http://www.ozeninc.com/

Day One: Tuesday, February 17, 9:00am - 12:00noon and 1:30pm – 4:30pm
"Introduction to Musculoskeletal Modeling"
During the first day, participants will be introduced to whole-body
musculoskeletal modeling and simulation. Available software tools and
techniques will also be introduced. A general overview of the types
of problems musculoskeletal simulation has been successful at
resolving will be presented. Topics related to computational
biomechanics, pro-active ergonomics, and the integration of
musculoskeletal simulation with current CAE tools will be addressed.
Finally, the future directions of musculoskeletal modeling will be

Day Two: Wednesday, February 18, 9:00am - 12:00noon
"Theory to Practice, Solving Applied Problems"
On the second day, case studies utilizing whole-body musculoskeletal
simulation will be discussed. Simulation results for each case study
will be reviewed in detail. Modeling assumptions and limitations will
also be considered. A list of the case studies to be presented are:

- Optimization techniques and tools (an introduction to
ModeFrontier). Applications relating to biomedical devices and the
automotive industry
Presented by: Alberto Bassanese, 9-10am
- Identifying the effect of changes in bike-fit to muscle
- Static versus Dynamic analysis of a manual material handling
- Simulation of internal femur stresses for real-life tasks =>
Coupling the AnyBody Musculoskeletal System with the ANSYS finite
element suite
- Assessment of seating comfort based on muscle activity
- Optimal overhead handle placement for driver ingress/egress
- Assessment of required shoulder forces during operation of
new wheel chair design

If you are interested in attending, please send an email with your
name, company/university affiliation, and email address to dwwagner@ozeninc.com
David Wagner, PhD
Project Manager
Ozen Engineering
Phone: 408-732-4665
email: dwwagner@ozeninc.com
web: http://www.ozeninc.com/