Post-Doctoral Position in Neurophysiology (Neural Control of Balance)
Laboratory of Dr Trevor Drew, Groupe de recherche en sciences
neurologiques (GRSNC), Department of Physiology, Université de
Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada.
We are seeking a highly motivated individual to work on a project
studying the neural control of posture and balance using an animal
(cat) model. The candidate will be under the guidance of Dr Drew and
Dr Paul Stapley (Dept. Kinesiology, McGill University). The aim of the
project will be to investigate the contribution of supraspinal
structures in the production of anticipatory and compensatory postural
responses. The project will involve behavioural training, and
collection and analysis of complex neurophysiological signals. The
work will take place at the Department of Physiology of the Université
de Montréal within the neuroscience research group (GRSNC:
). The candidate should hold a PhD in one of the following areas:
Biomechanics, Physiology, Motor Control, Neuroscience,
Neurophysiology, Kinesiology or Biomedical Engineering. He/she should
preferably have a knowledge of acquisition and analysis of EMG,
kinematics and ground reaction forces. A knowledge of programming
using Matlab is also beneficial. Salary will follow Canadian
Institutes for Heath Research (CIHR) funding guidelines. For further
details, please contact Dr Trevor Drew (
Laboratory of Dr Trevor Drew, Groupe de recherche en sciences
neurologiques (GRSNC), Department of Physiology, Université de
Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada.
We are seeking a highly motivated individual to work on a project
studying the neural control of posture and balance using an animal
(cat) model. The candidate will be under the guidance of Dr Drew and
Dr Paul Stapley (Dept. Kinesiology, McGill University). The aim of the
project will be to investigate the contribution of supraspinal
structures in the production of anticipatory and compensatory postural
responses. The project will involve behavioural training, and
collection and analysis of complex neurophysiological signals. The
work will take place at the Department of Physiology of the Université
de Montréal within the neuroscience research group (GRSNC:
). The candidate should hold a PhD in one of the following areas:
Biomechanics, Physiology, Motor Control, Neuroscience,
Neurophysiology, Kinesiology or Biomedical Engineering. He/she should
preferably have a knowledge of acquisition and analysis of EMG,
kinematics and ground reaction forces. A knowledge of programming
using Matlab is also beneficial. Salary will follow Canadian
Institutes for Heath Research (CIHR) funding guidelines. For further
details, please contact Dr Trevor Drew (