Two lecture positions in biomechanics at LBMC, University of Lyon 1, France

Deadline: April 23 2009
Place: University of Lyon1, LBMC, UMR_T 9406, France

Two lecture positions in biomechanics and mechanics are now open at
University of Lyon 1. The teaching tasks will be performed either at
IUTB-UCBL ( or at UFR of Mechanics
( The research work will be carried out
at LBMC (Laboratory of Biomechanics and Impact Mechanics, Joint research
unit of University Lyon 1 and French National Research Institute for
Transports and Safety – INRETS,
More detailed description of the two positions can be found at:

The general objective of the research activity of LBMC is to acquire and
capitalize biomechanical knowledge on the structure and the behaviour of
the human body in order to develop numerical models to be used in
various application domains. According to applicant’s profile, one
position will be affected to the team “orthopedics, sports and
biomechanics”, the other one either to the team “ergonomics and
biomechanics” or the team “mechanics and impact behaviour of structures”.

To apply, please contact

Philippe VEZIN
Director of LBMC
Tél : 33-(0)4-72-14-23-79
Email :