The digital human modeling for ergonomic simulation team of the
Biomechanics and Impact Mechanics Laboratory
( is currently
seeking motivated candidates for both PhD and postdoctoral positions in
the field of human motion dynamics.

Postdoctoral position (12 months)
The successful candidate will be mainly focussed on the development of
optimization based methods for dynamic multibody motion reconstruction
and simulation. He/she will be involved in a large research project
regrouping 10 partners across Europe.
Applicants should have a PhD in biomechanics or related, and should
demonstrate research experiences in multibody dynamics and human motion
analysis and simulation. Programming skills and experience of experiment
with living volunteer subjects are desirable. Application will be open
until a suitable candidate is found.

Doctoral positions (36 months)
PhD positions are available in the field of dynamic motion prediction
and simulation. Topics include motion planning, postural reactions to a
perturbation, and dynamic control of the motion execution. Special
focuses are given on postural tasks and on the inclusion of subject
specificities in the simulation (e.g. neurophysiological effects of
aging or disabilities). A degree in mechanics, biomechanics or related
fields is expected, and bases in robotics and control are expected.

Successful candidates will be hosted at the Biomechanics and Impact
Mechanics Lab of the National Institute for Transport and Safety
Research (INRETS), located in Lyon, France. The digital human modeling
for ergonomic simulation team is composed of a dozen of researchers and
students working in fields like musculo-skeletal modelling, motion
analysis and discomfort evaluation, motion control and simulation. The
team works in close relation with other teams and labs in France and
over the world, and is involved in many projects with external
industrial partners.
Facilities include dedicated tests rooms, up-to-date motion analysis
systems (Vicon, Flock of Bird, Cyberglove), force transducers (force
plate, loads and pressure sensors), Wireless EMG devices , and
proprietary Digital Manikin (Man3D and RPx software).

Motivated candidates should email a CV, two letters of recommendation,
and a short description of their research interest and objectives to:

Thomas ROBERT, PhD
Phone: +33 4 72 14 23 93


Xuguang Wang, PhD, Senior researcher
Phone: 33-(0)4-72142451