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Call for Papers - Symposium on Sensor Technologies andInformation Processing in Healthcare?

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  • Call for Papers - Symposium on Sensor Technologies andInformation Processing in Healthcare?

    ************************************************** *********************
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    Dear Colleague,

    The symposium on Sensor Technologies and Information Processing in Healthcare will be held in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing - 2009 (ISSNIP 2009), Melbourne, Australia during December 7-10, 2009. The symposium will focus specifically on sensors, signal processing and smart systems for healthcare applications ranging from biomedical diagnostics to online patient monitoring.

    The convergence of biomedical sensors, sensor networks and information processing creates exciting opportunities for solving a variety of complex problems in healthcare. Healthcare sensor networks are an emerging paradigm consisting of body sensor networks and in-situ monitoring sensors. The program committee is soliciting papers in the following (but not limited) areas, intelligent signal processing algorithms, healthcare sensor network architectures including body sensor networks, intelligent sensors and algorithms for monitoring human health and locomotion, security and privacy issues and real-world user applications.

    ********************************** Special Sessions ******************************************
    The following special sessions will be run in conjunction with the main body of the symposium:
    Special Session I: Commercial based sensing for healthcare applications (session chairs: Mihai and Raluca Marin-Perianu)
    Special Session II: Mobile computing and healthcare monitoring for rural communities (session chair: Ahsan Khandoker)
    Special Session III: Practical challenges in healthcare sensor networks ?What do clinicians want from Engineers? (session chair: Richard Baker and Oren Tirosh)
    Special Session IV: Signal processing and computational intelligence techniques for healthcare sensor networks (session chair: Daniel Lai)

    ********************************* Special Issue: Edited Book ***********************************
    Successful authors of the best and selected conference papers in this symposium will be invited to submit extended versions of their work as book chapters in the upcoming edited book titled:
    " Healthcare Sensor Networks: Challenges towards Practical Implementation " eds. D. Lai, R. Begg and M. Palaniswami. CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group, 2010.
    Guidelines for chapter submission and corresponding deadlines will be provided to successful authors. Submitted book chapters will undergo a further round of reviews to ensure novelty and the research quality.

    ******************************** Author Guidelines ********************************************
    Prospective authors are invited to submit papers (4-6 pages in A4 size) following the conference format which can be found at ( ). All papers are to be submitted via the online submission system at and will undergo blind peer-review prior to acceptance.

    *********************** IMPORTANT DATES **************************************************

    Conference Dates: December 7-10, 2009
    Initial Paper Deadline: June 30
    Acceptance Notification: August 15
    Camera ready: August 31, 2009

    Symposium Chairs:
    Rezaul Begg, Victoria University, Australia ( )
    Daniel T. H. Lai, Victoria University, Australia ( )
