Dear subscribers,
Our "Mechano-Informatics Group" in Tokyo Institute of Technology
is now recruiting excellent students for master and doctoral courses
in our new "International Gradutate School Program".
Some outstandingly excellent students will be able to receive
financial support from the government.
We have some laboratories relating to biomechanics and
bioengineering in our group.
If you and your students are interested in it,
please visit the website as below:
1. Goto
2. Click "Admission" on the left window.
3. Third section (International Graduate Program "New!") is the
4. Click "Overseas application" in "Mechano-Informatics Group" in the page.
5. Choose your supervisor from the "List of Professors".
6. Contact the faculty member directly.
The deadline for the initial screening is 11th November, 2009.
Best regards,
Motomu Nakashima, Dr. Associate Professor
Dept. of Mechanical & Environmental Informatics
Tokyo Institute of Technology