The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware
invites nominations and applications for three tenure-track faculty
positions at the rank of assistant professor. Highly qualified candidates
will be considered at the level of associate professor or full professor
(tenure or tenure-track). We are interested in candidates in any discipline
of Mechanical Engineering but have particular interests in the general areas
of composites, biomedical engineering, clean and sustainable energy, and
robotics and control.

Our Center for Composite Materials, which boasts $9M of research funding per
year and 240 affiliated faculty, staff, post-docs, graduate and
undergraduate students and interns, provides a forum for materials,
manufacturing and nanotechnology research. Biomedical engineering activities
are closely coupled to our Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, which
has more than 30 associated faculty members and many NIH grants, including
an $11M NIH Center for Biomedical Research Excellence award. In addition,
the inter-disciplinary effort at the Delaware Biotechnology Institute
encompasses research, education, and economic development in the life
sciences with emphasis on human health, complex environmental systems and
biomaterials. This $120M initiative is housed in a 72,000 sq ft
state-of-the-art biotechnology facility. Sustainable energy activities are
closely coupled to our Center for Fuel Cell Research, with research
sponsored by Department of Energy, Federal Transit Administration, the State
of Delaware, and industry. The research in Robotics and Controls is well
established and is supported by multiple NSF awards along with ARO, ARL,

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, or closely related
field. Successful candidates are expected to have demonstrated excellence in
innovative research and show the potential for high quality teaching and
mentoring. For positions at higher ranks, an outstanding and internationally
recognized research program, along with proven high-quality teaching and
mentoring, is required. **Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a
statement of research and teaching interests and achievements, and a list of
at least four references to the Mechanical Engineering link at (preferred); or send by mail to ME Faculty
Search Committee, College of Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
19716. Full consideration is guaranteed for applications received before
December 1, 2009 (postmarked before 12/1 for applications sent by regular
mail) but the search will continue until the positions are filled. The
University of Delaware is an equal opportunity employer. Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply.

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Jill Startzell Higginson
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Director, Center for Biomedical Engineering Research
University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716
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