17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics

5 - 8 July 2010, Edinburgh UK

Abstract Deadline: 30th November 2009

*****Highest ranked abstracts to be invited to submit full manuscripts for a special edition of Medical Engineering and Physics******


The 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics will be hosted by The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. The University's central campus in located in the city's Old Town, at the heart of the capital. Edinburgh is one of the greenest and architecturally most beautiful cities in Northern Europe, with a colourful history based on the nation's political and cultural past. The University was founded in 1558 and features some of the grandest buildings in the city, as well as the most modern academic facilities and services. Lectures will be held amongst the University's George Square with no more than 5 minutes walk in between congress venues.

The 2010 meeting will cover the ESB's traditional core topics while including emerging research areas in which much new and exciting biomechanics research is taking place. A pre-course will draw on the experience of experts in their field to provide state of the art knowledge in an area of general biomechanics interest. Confirmed plenary speakers include Professor Duncan Dowson and Professor Alan Goodship.

Submission of Abstracts
Abstracts can be submitted for either oral or poster presentation. All abstracts must be submitted through the online system (www.esbiomech2010.org) by Monday 30th November 2009. There will be no extension of this deadline. You will receive automatic confirmation that your abstract has been received. Please note that only fully registered delegates can present at the conference and only abstracts of delegates who are fully registered will be entered into the programme.

All abstracts must be submitted by one of the authors of that abstract. The submitter will provide their details for reference, and include all corresponding authors of the same abstract.

All abstracts should be submitted as a single A4 page only, using the downloadable template as a guide. Please use this template to create a PDF file for upload.

All accepted abstracts will be subject to publication in conference literature. The highest ranked abstracts will be invited to submit a full manuscript for a special issue of Medical Engineering and Physics.

The topics for ESB2010 are listed below. Please choose one relevant topic when submitting an abstract as it will aid the scientific committee in grouping presentations within the programme. The list has been designed to cover most areas of biomechanical study.

* Cardiovascular mechanics

* Non-cardiovascular biofluid mechanics

* Biomaterials

* Bone and dental mechanics

* Mechanobiology

* Motion and sports biomechanics

* Implant and joint biomechanics

* Soft Tissue mechanics

* Other topics

Social events
The conference dinner will be held at the Dynamic Earth science museum (Find out more from: http://www.dynamicearth.co.uk/) overlooking the Scottish Parliament and Holyrood Palace (the Queen's official Scottish residence). Opened in 1999, Dynamic Earth is a strikingly modern building set against the geological backdrop of Arthur's Seat; a vast volcanic formation including the basalt cliffs of Salisbury Crags. Opening with a wine reception and private access to the museum's galleries, guests will be encouraged to explore the various environments and exhibitions. A three-course meal will then be served in the upper Stratosphere. The evening will culminate with a traditional Scottish Ceilidh of celtic music and displays of highland dancing.
In addition, there will be a welcome reception on the first evening, as well as the opportunity for whisky tasting.

Kind regards,


17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics
Edinburgh, UK: 5-8th July 2010
Abstract Deadline: 30th November 2009

Prof. Mark Taylor
Professor of Bioengineering Science

Bioengineering Science Research Group
School of Engineering Science
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ

Tel: ++ 44 (0)2380 597660
Fax: ++ 44 (0)2380 593016
Mobile: ++ 44 (0)7939 101019