The Bone Bioengineering Laboratory in the Department of Biomedical
Engineering at Columbia University in the City of New York actively seeks
applications for anticipated several post-doctoral positions in the general
areas of Bone Bioengineering. The Bone Bioengineering Laboratory focuses on
(1) Image based morphological and finite element analyses of microCT,
HR-pQCT, and microMRI data of patients
(2) Real-time mechanotransduction in osteocyte networks using
(3) Real-time dynamics of single bone cells
(4) Mechanobiology of 3D bone explants
Interested individuals with background in experimental or computational bone
mechanics, 3D image analysis, microfabrication and BioMEMS, bone cell and
molecular biology are encouraged to apply.
Please send a complete CV and three names of references to
Professor X. Edward Guo
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027
212-854-6196 (O)
212-854-8725 (F)
917-318-8956 (C)
Engineering at Columbia University in the City of New York actively seeks
applications for anticipated several post-doctoral positions in the general
areas of Bone Bioengineering. The Bone Bioengineering Laboratory focuses on
(1) Image based morphological and finite element analyses of microCT,
HR-pQCT, and microMRI data of patients
(2) Real-time mechanotransduction in osteocyte networks using
(3) Real-time dynamics of single bone cells
(4) Mechanobiology of 3D bone explants
Interested individuals with background in experimental or computational bone
mechanics, 3D image analysis, microfabrication and BioMEMS, bone cell and
molecular biology are encouraged to apply.
Please send a complete CV and three names of references to
Professor X. Edward Guo
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027
212-854-6196 (O)
212-854-8725 (F)
917-318-8956 (C)