Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Sports Engineering

School of Mechanical Engineering, Adelaide University, Australia

Job reference number: 1440

We are seeking a new academic staff member to further develop the new Sports Engineering program in the University of Adelaide's School of Mechanical Engineering. You will be expected to play a key role in the Sports Engineering undergraduate teaching and research activities.

The School has active research groups working in biomechanical and sports engineering, robotics, materials, fracture mechanics, fluid mechanics, dynamics and vibration and your research interests should align with one of these areas.

In addition to undertaking research, and lecturing in sports engineering subjects, you will supervise undergraduate and postgraduate student projects. You will be active in School and professional affairs and undertake administrative responsibilities at School level. Interaction with other disciplines, institutions and organisations will be encouraged.

You should have:

· An undergraduate degree in Mechanical, Sports, Biomedical, Biomechanical, Mechatronic, Aeronautical, Automotive or Aerospace Engineering and a PhD (or equivalent experience) in one or more aspects of sports engineering.

· Experience in teaching engineering-related subjects, with a preference for subjects related to sports engineering.

· A passionate interest in sport, preferably as a participant.

· Ability to demonstrate effective lecturing techniques and a commitment to excellence in teaching.

· High levels of written and verbal communication skills.

· Ability to supervise and motivate students in research.

· Ability to encourage intellectual development and career aspirations of students.

· Ability to work harmoniously and constructively with other members of the School.

· Potential to procure funding and develop research programs in sports engineering.

· A commitment to collaborative research and consulting with sporting bodies and industry.

· Potential to develop an excellent publication and research track record.

For appointment as a Senior Lecturer (Level C) in addition to the above you should have demonstrated ability to procure funding and develop research programs in sports engineering, and an excellent publication and research track record.

For appointment as an Associate Professor (level D) in addition to the above you should have the ability to procure funding and develop research programs in appropriate areas of interest, and an excellent publication record, international recognition for research and evidence of substantial research funding.

The successful applicant will be appointed at an appropriate level depending on qualifications and relevant experience

Salary: (Level B) $73,228 - $86,960 per annum.

(Level C) $89,700 - $103,436 per annum.

(Level D) $108,009 - $118,992 per annum.

Plus an employer superannuation contribution of 17% also applies.

This tenurable position is available from 1 January 2010 (or as soon as possible thereafter).

Please refer to the selection criteria for the specific level you are applying (Level B), (Level C), (Level D) or alternatively contact Ms Victoria Samra, telephone: ++ 61 8 8303 5460, or email: victoria.samra@adelaide.edu.au . The selection criteria are available on request from Paul Grimshaw at Adelaide University on paul.grimshaw@adelaide.edu.au

Deadline: 31 December 2009

Applications that involve job sharing of the position by two people will be considered.

Applicants with a relevant Science degree and experience in Sports Engineering practice may also be considered.

Your application must:

· include your résumé/Curriculum Vitae

· address the selection criteria for the specific level for which you are applying

· quote the relevant reference number

· include residency status

· include the names, addresses and/or email details of three referees

Email applications to or forward in duplicate to:

Professor Colin Hansen

Head of School

School of Mechanical Engineering

The University of Adelaide

South Australia 5005