To the Musculoskeletal Modeling Research Community:
For those of you interested in the Grand Challenge Competition to Predict In Vivo Knee Loads to be held at the 2010 ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference (, we would like to make you aware of two new download categories:
1) X-ray images from the subject (AP pelvis and knee x-rays)
2) Geometric implant-bone models of the subject's femur, patella, and tibia/fibula, including fluoroscopic data from treadmill gait.
As a reminder, the home page for the competition is In a little over two months, the competition web site has received over 3,500 page hits by over 200 unique visitors on 6 continents, and 45 unique users have performed over 200 downloads of competition data, models, and documentation. We hope that this interest will result in a healthy number of abstract submissions.
Darryl D'Lima, Thor Besier, and I hope that you will find these new data and models useful as you work on generating muscle and contact force predictions for the competition. Don't forget that the abstract submission deadline for the conference is January 15.
B.J. Fregly
B.J. Fregly, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
University of Florida
Phone: (352) 392-8157
Fax: (352) 392-7303