I'm looking for a good term to describe the rate of change in acceleration (i.e., the second derivative of velocity). Wikipedia referred to this quantity as "jerk": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerk_(physics). As far as you know, is this the preferred term in biomechanics, or is a better term (though I must admit I really like the idea of putting "jerk" in a paper).

Also, is there a term available to describe the rate of change of torque?


Jesse W. Young, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
Northeastern Ohio Universities College
of Medicine (NEOUCOM)

Office phone: (330) 325-6304
Lab phone: (330) 325-6307
Fax: (330) 325-5916
Email: jwyoung@neoucom.edu
Web page: www.jessewyoung.com