Lecturer in Musculoskeletal Science / Bioengineering (Non-Clinical)
£34,435 - £43,622 per annum
School of Medicine and School of Engineering
University of Southampton, UK

The University of Southampton is a highly-regarded dynamic and innovative institution in the UK.  As a research-led University it is rated among the top ten in the UK for the quality of its research and scholarship in which the Schools of Medicine and Engineering Sciences are major contributory players. The University's commitment to an integrated approach to biomedical sciences is illustrated by a new Institute for Life Sciences building to be completed in 2010. As part of cross school initiatives, The Schools of Medicine and Engineering at the University of Southampton invite applications from individuals with a proven track record in musculoskeletal science and bioengineering.
You will have demonstrated considerable potential and enthusiasm in your area of musculoskeletal science /regenerative science / bioengineering and the ability to develop an independent programme of research that complements and, critically, integrates with existing research strengths in the Bone and Joint Research Group and Bioengineering Science. Further details of our research activity can be found at: www.skeletalstemcells.org  andwww.soton.ac. uk/research/researchdir/engsciences.html. In addition you will contribute to undergraduate and graduate teaching in the School of Medicine programme (BM).
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Professor Richard OC Oreffo (roco@southampton.ac.uk) on 02380 798502 or Professor Mark Taylor (M.Taylor@southampton.ac.uk)
The closing date for this position is 8th February 2010 at 12.00 midday. Please quote reference number 4106-09-M in all correspondence.
Applicants should submit completed application forms detailing scientific and educational achievements with details of 3 referees and a full scientific CV (all of which will be prompted via our online application process http://www.soton.ac.uk/jobs/applying/index.shtml).

Kind regards,


17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics
Edinburgh, UK: 5-8th July 2010

Prof. Mark Taylor C.Eng, FIMechE
Professor of Bioengineering Science

Bioengineering Science Research Group
School of Engineering Science
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ

Tel: ++ 44 (0)2380 597660 or ++ 44 (0)2380 592871 (Secretary: Gwyneth Skiller)
Fax: ++ 44  (0)2380 593016
Mobile: ++ 44 (0)7939 101019