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Moment arms in 3-D

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  • Moment arms in 3-D

    I enjoyed reading Ton van den Bogert's very informative and thought
    provoking comment regarding the concept of moment arm in 3-D (Re:
    Terminology Query, 8 January 2010). I discovered with surprise that a
    "moment arm matrix" exists, which I knew nothing about.

    Among other things, Ton wrote that each of the scalar components (Mx, My,
    Mz) of the moment M of a force F can be used to compute a different "moment

    - Moment arm about x = |Mx| / |F|
    - Moment arm about y = |My| / |F|
    - Moment arm about z = |Mz| / |F|

    Thus, in 3-D, and with respect to a given 3-D coordinate system, a single
    force F has three moment arms (although, of course, each of these moment
    arms may have length zero).

    I do not completely agree about Ton's definitions, and I believe that eight
    different moment arms "of F" with respect to the origin and axes of a given
    3-D coordinate system can be defined. I will define them in the following
    sections, and in the terminology section I will also maintain that not all
    of them should be called moment arms "of F".

    Providing a clear geometrical interpretation of their mathematical
    definitions is another major goal of this contribution. The human brain is a
    very powerful geometrical analyzer of 3-D space. Thus, it is crucial to me
    to find the geometrical interpretation of a definition whenever this is
    possible. This is the best way to allow my brain to truly grasp the concept
    and make it unforgettable, and I hope this is true for my readers as well.


    Let me lead you gradually to my conclusion, by eliciting an apparently minor
    doubt. A superficial analysis of the above-mentioned definition is likely to
    lead you, at least initially, to the misleading conclusion that there is a
    moment arm for each Cartesian axis (I purposely used the word "lead" three
    times in this paragraph).

    Actually, there's a moment arm for each plane of the coordinate system
    (that's why we have only one moment arm in 2-D). You can more easily
    understand that by considering that:

    - since Fx has no moment about x, Mx is produced by Fyz
    - since Fy has no moment about y, My is produced by Fzx
    - since Fz has no moment about z, Mz is produced by Fxy

    where Mx, My, Mz, and Fx, Fy, Fz are the vector (not scalar) components of M
    and F, and

    - Fyz = F - Fx (= Fy + Fz)
    - Fzx = F - Fy (= Fz + Fx)
    - Fxy = F - Fz (= Fx + Fy)

    This means that Fyz, Fzx, Fxy are the vector (not scalar) projections of F
    on the three Cartesian planes yz, xz, xy. Notice that:

    - Fx, Fy, Fz are also called the "projections of F along x,y,z"
    - Fyz,Fzx,Fxy are also called the "rejections of F from x,y,z"


    Thus, to really understand the definition of moment arm in 3-D, we need to
    consider the projections of F on the three Cartesian planes (i.e. its
    rejections from the three Cartesian axes). This trick leads us to a simple
    definition of the moment arms "of F" (actually of its rejections) about x,
    y, and z.

    Let Fr be the rejection of a force F from a given axis of a 3D coordinate
    system. The moment arm of Fr about the same axis is defined as the
    perpendicular distance of the line of action of Fr from the same axis.

    For instance, the moment arm of Fyz about x is defined as the perpendicular
    distance of the line of action of Fyz from x. Mathematically, this means

    - Moment arm about x = |Mx| / |Fyz|
    - Moment arm about y = |My| / |Fzx|
    - Moment arm about z = |Mz| / |Fxy|

    (notice that I am not using the magnitude of F, as in Ton's definition).

    Since Fr lies, by definition, on a Cartesian plane (e.g. Fyz = F - Fx lies
    on plane yz), together with the rotation center O, this definition is as
    easy to understand as that of the moment arm in 2-D.

    Yet we are not satisfied. To truly understand it, we need to prove its
    validity. For that, we need to thoroughly reduce the 3-D problem into three
    2-D problems by also considering, together with the three components of M,
    and the three rejections of F, also the three rejections of d from x, y, and
    z (d is the directed distance from O to the point of application of F):

    - dyz = d - dx
    - dzx = d - dy
    - dxy = d - dz

    Since M = Mx + My + Mz and since Fx has no moment about x, Fy has no moment
    about y, and Fz has no moment about z, the basic equation in 3-D:

    - M = d x F (a cross product)

    can be validly decomposed into three simpler equations:

    - Mx = dyz x Fyz (a cross product in which |dx| = |Fx| = 0)
    - My = dzx x Fzx (a cross product in which |dy| = |Fy| = 0)
    - Mz = dxy x Fxy (a cross product in which |dz| = |Fz| = 0)

    which by the definition of the cross product imply:

    - |Mx| = |dyz| * sin(alpha) * |Fyz|
    - |My| = |dzx| * sin(beta) * |Fzx|
    - |Mz| = |dxy| * sin(gamma) * |Fxy|


    - |dyz| * sin(alpha) is the moment arm of Fyz about x
    - |dzx| * sin(beta) is the moment arm of Fzx about y
    - |dxy| * sin(gamma) is the moment arm of Fxy about z

    Isn't that nice? By using a simple and therefore intuitively appealing
    geometrical approach, based on projections on Cartesian planes, we obtained
    a proof of the validity of the definition enunciated above. Notice that d,
    dyz, dxz, and dxy are not necessarily perpendicular to the respective forces
    F, Fyz, Fzx, and Fxy.

    We will discover in the next section that, surprisingly, there is an even
    simpler and computationally more efficient way to compute these moment arms.

    (By the way, I would call O the "rotation center"; you might also call it
    "fulcrum", but only if the rotating object is a lever, which is not a
    necessary condition for this definition to be valid)


    For a given coordinate system, in my opinion there's a fourth moment arm
    that you can compute and that has an intuitively appealing practical
    meaning. This is simply defined as the perpendicular distance of the line of
    action of F from O. This moment arm does not necessarily lie on a Cartesian
    plane (xy, yz, or zx). It lies on the plane defined by d and F.

    To compute its value, we do with the cross product d x F the same thing we
    did with the three cross products operating on the rejections of d and F
    (see previous section). Since M = d x F, then, by the definition of the
    cross product,

    - |M| = |d| * sin(theta) * |F|


    - |d| * sin(theta) is the moment arm of F about O

    You can compute this moment arm even more easily and efficiently by using an
    orthogonal cross division (OCD; de Leva, 2008), to compute the "orthogonal
    anticrossproduct" (antiCP) of the cross product d x F:

    - d_orth = M /o F = (F x M) / (F * F)

    where "/o" is the symbol for the OCD and F * F is a dot product. The moment
    arm is the magnitude of the orthogonal antiCP of d x F:

    - |d_orth| = |M /o F|

    This is computationally more efficient because you need to use the square
    root only once (to compute the magnitude of M /o F), rather than twice (to
    compute separately the magnitudes of M and F).

    Don't be scared by the expression "orthogonal antiCP", it refers to an
    elementary and widely known concept, I just invented its name and described
    a handy vectorial operation to compute it (the OCD). The orthogonal antiCP
    of d x F is just the component of d orthogonal to F, which means that

    - d_orth x F = d x F

    I cannot show you pictures in this message, so please see the picture
    showing the orthogonal antiCP in my paper (fig. 4 in de Leva, 2008, It took to me about
    one month to draw it! You will immediately understand what I mean.


    There's yet another doubt which is worth mentioning. Are we sure that the
    moment arm is just a scalar? If you agree that it has a direction, then you
    also accept that it can be a vector. We have seen that there are four scalar
    moment arms about O for each coordinate system. The OCD is the most
    efficient way to compute the corresponding vectors:

    - Moment arm vector of F = d_orth = M /o F
    - Moment arm vector of Fyz = dyz_orth = Mx /o Fyz
    - Moment arm vector of Fzx = dzx_orth = My /o Fzx
    - Moment arm vector of Fxy = dxy_orth = Mz /o Fxy

    Each of these is also called the orthogonal antiCP of the respective cross

    - M = d x F
    - Mx = dyz x Fyz (a cross product in which |dx| = |Fx| = 0)
    - My = dzx x Fzx (a cross product in which |dy| = |Fy| = 0)
    - Mz = dxy x Fxy (a cross product in which |dz| = |Fz| = 0)

    Similarly, the most efficient way to compute the four scalar moment arms
    about O is:

    - (Scalar) moment arm of F = |M /o F|
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fyz = |Mx /o Fyz|
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fzx = |My /o Fzx|
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fxy = |Mz /o Fxy|

    How do you like it? Unfortunately, I believe that the three components of
    d_orth are not equal to the moment arms of Fyz, Fzx, and Fxy. We can't have


    The trick of computing the rejection of F makes it extremely easy to compute
    the moment arm of any rejection F-Fw about any axis w, even if w does not
    coincide with an axis of your coordinate system:

    - Moment arm of (F-Fw) = Mw /o (F-Fw)
    - (Scalar) moment arm of (F-Fw) = |Mw /o (F-Fw)|

    where Mw is the projection of M on w, and F-Fw the rejection of F from w.
    Even in this general case, the traditional method is computationally less
    efficient, and can only be applied to compute the scalar moment arm:

    - (Scalar) moment arm of (F-Fw) = |Mw| / |(F-Fw)|

    Notice that this should not be called the moment arm "of F" about w, but the
    moment arm "of F-Fw" about w (see next section).


    There are four (scalar) moment arms for each force with respect to a given
    coordinate system, and since each of these moment arms has a direction, for
    each of them there is a moment arm vector. Since the origin of this
    discussion was a posting by Bill Sellers with the subject "Terminology
    Query" (7 January 2010), it is worth highlighting that these eight moment
    arms can be most effectively referred to as:

    - (Scalar) moment arm of F about O
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fyz about x
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fzx about y
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fxy about z
    - Moment arm vector of F about O
    - Moment arm vector of Fyz about x
    - Moment arm vector of Fzx about y
    - Moment arm vector of Fxy about z

    Or, equivalently (but only if you specify that the point of applications of
    Fyz, Fzx, and Fxy, are dyz, dzx, and dxy, respectively)

    - (Scalar) moment arm of F about O
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fyz about O
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fzx about O
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fxy about O
    - Moment arm vector of F about O
    - Moment arm vector of Fyz about O
    - Moment arm vector of Fzx about O
    - Moment arm vector of Fxy about O

    Notice that the projection of F on the three Cartesian planes does not
    entail necessarily that their points of applications are also projected on
    the same planes. In other words, Fyz, Fzx, and Fxy might quite legitimately
    have the same point of application of F (i.e. d), unless you specify

    Unfortunately, although we can say:

    - moment of F about x (Mx)
    - moment of F about y (My)
    - moment of F about z (Mz)

    in my opinion it would be improper to say:

    - moment arm of F about x [improper terminology]
    - moment arm of F about y [improper terminology]
    - moment arm of F about z [improper terminology]

    Although these is intuitively appealing terminology, these expressions are
    not exactly synonyms to above mentioned moment arms of Fyz, Fzx, and Fxy.
    Let's not forget the reason why we needed the rejections of F (Fyz, Fzx,

    - since Fx has no moment about x, Mx is produced by Fyz
    - since Fy has no moment about y, My is produced by Fzx
    - since Fz has no moment about z, Mz is produced by Fxy

    Yes, Fx, Fy and Fz have no moment about the respective axes, but they do
    have non-null moment arms (the perpendicular distances of their line of
    action from the respective axes are not null). These moment arms are
    meaningless, but unfortunately they exist, and this makes the
    above-mentioned improper terminology meaningless, unless you explicitly give
    it a different operational definition whenever you use it (e.g.: "I will
    herein use the expression 'moment arm of F about x' to refer to the 'moment
    arm of F-Fx about x'").


    There are four (scalar) moment arms for each force with respect to a given
    coordinate system, and since each of these moment arms unquestionably has a
    direction, for each of them there is a moment arm vector. These eight moment
    arms can be most effectively referred to as:

    - (Scalar) moment arm of F about O
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fyz about x
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fzx about y
    - (Scalar) moment arm of Fxy about z
    - Moment arm vector of F about O
    - Moment arm vector of Fyz about x
    - Moment arm vector of Fzx about y
    - Moment arm vector of Fxy about z

    where Fyz, Fzx, Fxy are the projections of F on the Cartesian planes yz, zx,
    xy, also called the rejections of F from the Cartesian axes x, y, z:

    - Fyz = F - Fx
    - Fzx = F - Fy
    - Fxy = F - Fz

    The most efficient way to compute all of these quantities is by means of the
    orthogonal cross division (OCD; symbol: "/o"). For instance, the moment arm
    vector of F about O is

    - M /o F,

    and its magnitude is the scalar moment arm of F about O:

    - |M /o F|.

    In the general case, by using an OCD you can compute the moment arm of F-Fw
    about any axis w, even if w does not coincide with an axis of your
    coordinate system:

    - Moment arm of (F-Fw) = Mw /o (F-Fw)
    - (Scalar) moment arm of (F-Fw) = |Mw /o (F-Fw)|

    where Mw is the projection of M on w, and F-Fw the rejection of F from w.
    The traditional method is computationally less efficient and can only be
    used to compute the scalar moment arm:

    - (Scalar) moment arm of (F-Fw) = |Mw| / |(F-Fw)|

    Both the traditional method and the method based on the OCD have a clear
    geometrical interpretation, since they both require the computation of the
    rejections of F from x, y, z, or w. For instance, the moment arm of Fyz
    about x can be geometrically defined as the perpendicular distance from x to
    the line of action of Fyz, and since Fyz is also perpendicular to x, this is
    not difficult to understand.

    The concept of anticrossproduct (antiCP) is a useful tool for the
    geometrical interpretation of several widely used formulas (see, including the
    definition of moment arms in 3-D. For each cross product such as d x F,
    there are infinitely many antiCPs (similarly, for each derivative, there are
    infinite antiderivatives). They are simply defined as the infinitely many
    vectors xi which meet the condition xi x F = d x F. Obviously, they include
    d. They are infinitely many, but only one of them is orthogonal to F.

    Indeed, an OCD returns the "orthogonal antiCP" of the corresponding cross
    product. For instance M /o F returns the orthogonal antiCP of d x F, which
    may be also defined as the component of d orthogonal to F. Thus, the four
    moment arm vectors listed above can be also called the "orthogonal antiCPs"
    of the corresponding cross products.

    By the way, perhaps Ton or someone else might be willing to prove that my
    definition of the moment arm about a given Cartesian axis is equivalent to
    the "delLen/delTheta" formula described by Bill Sellers in its original
    posting about this topic (Terminology Query, 7 January 2010).


    de Leva P., 2008. Anticrossproducts and cross divisions. Journal of
    Biomechanics, 8, 1790-1800

    With my kindest regards,

    Paolo de Leva
    Laboratory of Locomotor Apparatus Bioengineering
    Department of Human Movement and Sport Sciences
    University of Rome, Foro Italico
    Piazza Lauro de Bosis, 6
    00135 Rome - Italy