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Down Syndrome conference

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  • Down Syndrome conference

    I appreciate if you can help us to divulge this conference.
    gil lucio almeida, Ph.D.

    Call for Papers

    Second International Conference

    "Motor Control in Down Syndrome"

    November 19-20, 1994
    Chicago, USA

    Down's Syndrome Research Fund
    Rush-Presbyterian St.Luke's Medical Center

    Organizing Committee

    Mark L. Latash, Ph.D., Chairman,
    Departments of Physiology and
    of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,
    Rush University, Chicago, IL USA

    Gil L. Almeida, Ph.D., Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
    Campinas, S o Paulo, Brazil.

    J. Greg Anson, Ph.D., School of Physical Education, University
    of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand


    The scientific sessions will take place in Rush-Presbyterian
    St.Luke's Medical Center. The Medical Center is located about
    1.5 miles west of downtown Chicago on Harrison street (1750
    W.Harrison). A map and instructions will be mailed to all
    registrants with the Preliminary Program about 1 months prior to
    the Conference.

    For Additional Information Contact:

    Gil Lucio Almeida, Motor Control Laboratory 1653
    West Congress Parkway, Chicago, IL 60612, USA
    tel: (312) 942-5414
    fax: (312) 942-8711

    Registration Form

    Second International Conference

    "Motor Control in Down Syndrome"

    November 19-20, 1994
    Chicago, USA

    Please cut off the Registration form and mail it to:

    Mark Latash, Ph.D.
    Department of Physiology,
    Rush University,
    1653 West. Congress Parkway,
    Chicago, IL 60612, USA

    Registration Form









    Title of presentation_________________

    Preferred session____________________

    Short Abstract........_______
    Long Abstract........._______
    Computer Disk......._______

    I need lodging for:
    Friday night............_______
    Saturday night........_______
    Sunday night..........._______

    I would like to share a room...._________

    Registration fee enclosed:

    I plan to attend the Brazilian carnival___

    Scientific Program


    . Motor coordination in Down syndrome

    . Reaction time and decision-making in Down syndrome

    . The effects of practice

    . What is clumsiness?

    . Early motor development

    Conference Proceedings

    An agreement has been reached between the Organizing
    Committee and the Brazilian Journal of Adapted Physical
    Education Research to publish short abstracts of the
    presentations in the first issue of the Journal which will be
    available at the time of the Conference. For many of us, this is a
    unique opportunity to publish in a Brazilian journal.
    Besides that, long abstracts will be compiled in Proceedings of
    the Conference also available during the Meeting.


    Abstract Submission: July 1, 1994
    Early Registration: October 1, 1994
    Add $10 if you register after 10/01/94.


    Please, submit two abstracts for each presentation. The short
    abstract should not exceed one single-spaced page. The long
    abstract may be up to 6 single-spaced pages; it may contain
    illustrations and references. Illustrations should be ready for
    reproduction. Start each abstract with the title in capital letters,
    followed by names and affiliations of the authors. Place
    acknowledgments at the end of the text. Submit one printed
    copy of each abstract and a computer disk (Macintosh or DOS
    formatted) with both abstracts in a Microsoft Word or ASCII (text
    only) format.


    Early registration fee is $40 for professionals and $20 for
    students. It includes admission to all the sessions, refreshment
    breaks, a copy of the Brazilian Journal of APER, a copy of the
    Proceedings, and admission to the Brazilian carnival and dinner
    planned for Saturday night. Please mail checks (in US$, US
    Banks only, please) payable to Rush-Presbyterian St.Luke's
    Medical Center. Make a note on your check "MCDS-


    Several rooms have been booked in the University Inn just
    across the Medical Center. The rates are $105 for a double and
    $95 for a single per night.
    Please, let us know if you would like to share a room.