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Summary of Responses (Normalizing Methods of the EMG)

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  • Summary of Responses (Normalizing Methods of the EMG)

    Dear Biomech-L subscribers,

    Thank you to everyone who responded to my request for advice on
    "Normalizing methods of the EMG".

    The original posting is below, followed by the full replies I received.

    Warm regards,
    Asimakis K. Kanellopoulos,
    MSc (Distinction) in Bioengineering

    Lecturer in Physiotherapy
    Technological Educational Institute of Lamia, Greece

    Postgraduate Researcher in Biomechanics Analysis Room
    Bioengineering Unit, Engineering Faculty
    University of Strathclyde
    Glasgow, Scotland, UK

    cell phone (GR) +30 6973 513040

    --------Original Message-------------------------
    Dear Colleagues,

    I am interested in normalizing my surface EMG results (Quadriceps,
    both static and
    dynamic trials). I have been told
    a) to divide the RMS by the MVIC (peak MVIC or mean?- not clear),
    b) to divide the entire signal by the MVIC (peak MVIC or mean?-not
    clear) and then take the RMS
    c) to divide the entire signal by the entire MVIC signal and then
    take the RMS, etc.

    Unfortunately, I cannot retrieve in detail any specific method about this issue
    from the literature. Does anyone know the best method to do this, or
    advice me about a paper dealing with this in detail (explaining for
    example pros-cons etc)?

    Thank You very much!

    PS: MVIC=Maximal Voluntary Isometric Contraction

    Dear Asimakis,

    You may take a look at my method to normalize it to a functional task,
    which is more comparable. In most cases, the MVC of MVIC signal is too
    large, and your collected data stay within 0-5% of the MVIC signal
    only. So the resolution is not fully utilized.

    Fong, D.T.P., (2008) Lower extremity preventive measures for
    slips-Joint moments and myoelectric analysis.Ergonomics,Vol.51,No.12,

    Daniel T.P. FONG, PhD, FISBS,
    Research Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,
    Prince of Wales Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University
    of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
    Phone: (852) 26323535 / 96020151; Fax: (852) 26463020; Email:
    Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology:
    Director, Sport Performance and Biomechanics Laboratory:
    Deputy Director, MSc/PgD program in Sports Medicine and Health
    Board of Directors, International Society on Biomechanics in Sports:
    Commission Member, Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports
    Managing Editor, SMARTT journal:
    Managing Editor, JOSR journal:


    Dear Mr. Kanellopoulos,

    I think the MVIC is one of the method for normalization the EMG data.
    Maybe you can consider another method: normalized the EMG activity by
    the mean value. (see attached)

    Barela, A.M.F., et al.(2006) Biomechanical characteristics of adults
    walking in shallow water and on land.Journal of Electromyography and


    Chi-Wen LUNG MSc, PhD
    Research Fellow
    Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Science Peninsula, Hefei, Anhui 230031, China,
    Tel +86 551-5591104
    Mobile +86 139-6667-4473

    Dr. Kanellopoulos,

    There are different ways to normalize an EMG signal. The simplest way
    is to take the highest value of the MVIC and divide your signal with
    this value.

    I will suggest you to check the following link from delsys:

    you will find everything that you need in this web page.

    Take care,

    Panagiotis Koutakis
    Path Integration Project Director
    Peripheral Arterial Disease Research Assistant
    University of Nebraska at Omaha
    Nebraska Biomechanics Core Facility
    Fellow of Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation
    (402) 208-8933


    Dear Asimaki,

    Typically, we use the following procedure:

    We identify the highest activation area of the EMG in both the
    submaximal contraction and the maximal contraction (~0.5 s; depending
    of course of the length of your signal). Then to identify the
    normalized activation we do the following: (RMS of submaximal / RMS of
    maximal) x 100.

    So it is closest to the first option you are presenting. As far as
    references, I would look for any Enoka RM papers that use EMG
    normalization (closest to your task; most likely papers with BL
    Tracy). Possibly also review papers by Merletti, Farina, or Enoka.
    Feel free to check some of my papers on my website as I have used
    similar procedures in some of my work.

    I am not familiar with the options b and d .

    Hope this helps. Please let me know if you need anything else.

    Yeia Xara!

    Evangelos A. Christou Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
    158U Read Building
    Department of Health and Kinesiology
    Texas A&M University
    College Station TX 77843-4243

    Phone: 979-862-3089



    Unfortunately, I cannot retrieve in detail any specific method
    about this issue
    from the literature. Does anyone know the best method to do this, or
    advice me about a paper dealing with this in detail (explaining for
    example pros-cons etc)?

    I would say that the problem is: there is no general agreement and the
    discussion will probably never be solved because a BEST METHOD might
    not even exist. Several approaches have been used and appear

    Therefore, you might want to try if the different approaches yield
    differing results or might even show the same trends (as could be
    expected). Therefore, I would advise to select one method and clearly
    describe it so that others can understand how you got to your
    normalized EMG.


    Dieter Rosenbaum...

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Prof. Dr. Dieter Rosenbaum
    Funktionsbereich Bewegungsanalytik - Motion Analysis Lab
    Klinik fuer Allgemeine Orthopaedie - Orthopaedic Department
    Universitaetsklinikum Muenster - University Hospital Muenster
    Domagkstr. 3
    D-48149 Muenster Germany

    Fon: +49 (0)251 - 8352970
    Fax: +49 (0)251 - 8352993
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    Dear Asimakis,

    a good reference is the ABC of EMG by Peter Konrad. Just google it and you
    will be able to download the pdf.

    Good luck and best wishes,


    Max Feltham PhD
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Movement Science Group
    School of Life Sciences
    Oxford Brookes University
    Headington Campus
    Gipsy Lane
    OX3 0BP
    United Kingdom

    T: +44 (0)1865 483272
    F: +44 (0)1865 483242


    Have you tried...

    Their 'Use of Surface EMG in Biomechanics' recommends...

    'When normalizing the amplitude of the EMG signal, do so at values less than
    80% MVC. Above this
    level, the EMG signal and the force (torque) are exceptionally unstable and
    do not provide a suitable
    reference point.'


    'Measure the MVC by choosing the greatest value of three consecutive
    attempts at reaching the maximal
    value, with a rest period of at least 2 min between contractions. Let the
    subject choose his/her own
    force rate to reach maximal value. The posture of the subject should be
    similar if not identical to that
    assumed during the actual test. Repeat this measurement each time the
    experimental conditions



    Does this help?

    J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2009 Sep 14. [Epub ahead of print]

    Methodological aspects of SEMG recordings for force estimation - A
    tutorial and review.
    Staudenmann D, Roeleveld K, Stegeman DF, van Dieën JH.

    Department of Integrative Physiology, Neurophysiology of Movement
    Laboratory, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA.

    Insight into the magnitude of muscle forces is important in
    biomechanics research, for example because muscle forces are the main
    determinants of joint loading. Unfortunately muscle forces cannot be
    calculated directly and can only be measured using invasive
    procedures. Therefore, estimates of muscle force based on surface EMG
    measurements are frequently used. This review discusses the problems
    associated with surface EMG in muscle force estimation and the
    solutions that novel methodological developments provide to this
    problem. First, some basic aspects of muscle activity and EMG are
    reviewed and related to EMG amplitude estimation. The main
    methodological issues in EMG amplitude estimation are precision and
    representativeness. Lack of precision arises directly from the
    stochastic nature of the EMG signal as the summation of a series of
    randomly occurring polyphasic motor unit potentials and the resulting
    random constructive and destructive (phase cancellation) superimposit
    ions. Representativeness is an issue due the structural and functional
    heterogeneity of muscles. Novel methods, i.e. multi-channel monopolar
    EMG and high-pass filtering or whitening of conventional bipolar EMG
    allow substantially less variable estimates of the EMG amplitude and
    yield better estimates of muscle force by (1) reducing effects of
    phase cancellation, and (2) adequate representation of the
    heterogeneous activity of motor units within a muscle. With such
    methods, highly accurate predictions of force, even of the minute
    force fluctuations that occur during an isometric and isotonic
    contraction have been achieved. For dynamic contractions, EMG-based
    force estimates are confounded by the effects of muscle length and
    contraction velocity on force producing capacity. These contractions
    require EMG amplitude estimates to be combined with modeling of muscle
    contraction dynamics to achieve valid force predictions.

    PMID: 19758823 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]



    Matthijs Tuijt, PhD Student

    Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA)
    Dept. Functional Anatomy / Oral Kinesiology
    Meibergdreef 9 Room A1.24
    1105 AZ Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

    Telephone +31-(0)20-5665355
    Fax +31-(0)20-5669524



    My background is not really in EMG processing, but I use it in my
    research. I've attached some documents that have helped me, but I too
    have never found anything addressing which normalization method is
    One more processing alternative not listed below (and the one I'm
    actually using right now) is to normalize to the subject-specific
    maximum value for the task being performed. This gives you a reasonable
    normalization without having to go through the trouble of an MVC or
    MVIC. As usual, the "best" method usually depends on what questions
    you're asking, but this one works for me.

    1. (a pdf technical note having the following info)
    In investigations where the force/torque is correlated to the EMG it
    is common to normalize the force/torque and
    its respective EMG, relative to the values at maximal voluntary
    contraction (MVC) Obtaining the best estimate
    of MVC from subjects requires some preliminary training. Without
    training, the MVC could be as much as 20-30
    % less than that obtained after appropriate training and lead to
    incorrect conclusions or interpretation of data.
    Estimates of MVC may be performed in different conditions that should
    be described (e.g. with/without
    biofeedback, position of the subject, condition of the joint proximal
    to the one of interest, etc.)
    Standards for Reporting EMG Data
    Ó 1999 by International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology
    Normalising the force/torque with respect to its MVC value is commonly
    performed with MVC as 100 % of
    force/torque, and other force levels are expressed as the appropriate
    % of MVC. Similarly, the EMG associated
    with 100 % MVC is designated as 100 % and fractions thereof. Both
    force/torque and EMG normalization
    should include other relevant information such as joint angle(s)
    and/or muscle length(s) in isometric contractions,
    and range of joint angle, muscle length, velocity of shortening or
    lengthening and load applied for non-isometric
    In sum, the following information should be provided when normalizing data:
    · how subjects were trained to obtain MVC
    · joint angle and/or muscle length
    · conditions and angles of adjoining joint, e.g., for studies on
    elbow flexion, the condition of the wrist and
    shoulder joints should be provided
    · rate of rise of force
    · velocity of shortening or lengthening
    · ranges of joint angle or muscle length in non-isometric contraction
    · load applied in non-isometric contractions"

    2. Konrad, P. "The ABC of EMG", e-book (can be googled)

    3. Clancy,E.A.Sampling, noise-reduction and amplitude estimation
    issues in surface electromyography.Journal of Electromyography and
    Kinesiology 12 (2002) 1–16

    Brian Schulz, Ph.D.
    Biomechanics Researcher
    HSR&D/RR&D Center of Excellence, Maximizing Rehabilitation Outcomes
    James A. Haley Veterans' Medical Center
    8900 Grand Oak Circle, Room 149
    Tampa, FL 33637-1022
    Phone: (813) 558-3944
    Fax: (813) 558-7691


    Dear Asimakis,

    for my experience, normalization of EMG is still a controversial
    subject and it strongly depends on the task you are performing. I had
    the same problem with normalization in cycling, since in literature
    often a MVIC is used and pedaling is a dynamic task. Therefore, I
    proposed and used a new isokinetic pedaling test.

    I think that the key, at least in dynamic exercises, is that the
    reference contraction has to be the most similar as possible to the
    contraction you want to normalize (joint position etc), and of course
    you have to analyze them in the same way.

    Please find attached a couple of recent papers about this topic, and
    don't hesitate to contact me if I can be helpful.

    1. Norcross, M.F. et al. Reliability and interpretation of single leg
    stance and maximum voluntary isometric contraction methods of
    electromyography normalization. Journal of Electromyography and
    Kinesiology, in press

    2. Ferna´ndez-Pen˜a, E. et al. A maximal isokinetic pedalling exercise
    for EMG normalization in cycling. Journal of Electromyography and
    Kinesiology 19 (2009) e162–e170.


    Eneko Fernández, PhD


    Hi Asimakis,

    I saw this email of yours from BIOMCH-L. I hope I am not responding too late.
    Regarding normalization, there is no fixed method. People use
    different ways to normalize EMG and there is no best way to do it.
    As in your methods you will anyway explain how you normalized the
    data. Remember you are using normalization to compare across
    (technical you are keeping the same process across your data) that is
    why you need not to worry about which method is best. Just use what
    you feel easy or good.

    You can use mean or Peak value in MVICs. I personally use Peak value
    (just a I feel it easy that way). Usually reviewers will not question
    on normalization, if mention how you did it in your methods sections.

    Good luck,

    Research Engineer,
    Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.
    Chicago, IL, USA

    Hi Asimakis,

    As you know there are many ways that you can normalise EMG data from
    MVICs. To be honest, it probably doesn’t matter too much whether your
    divide the RMS by the MVIC or the whole signal by the MVIC. I think
    the key is to make sure that whichever approach you adopt is stable
    and consistent. You might like to pilot some of the different
    approaches that you’ve listed below and determine which is the most
    stable - that is, chose the one that gives your data less variability
    between trials and participants.

    My research is focused on gait trials. We calculated the normalised
    EMG by dividing a 600ms RMS window (MVIC or sub-max MVIC) by specific
    phases on the gait cycle (both peak and RMS). In addition to this, I
    recommend using a dynamic/sub-max MVIC approach to normalise gait
    data, as it consistently produced lower variability.

    I’ve attached our paper just published in J Biomech related to these issues.

    Kind regards,


    1. Murlay, GS. et al. Reliability of lower limb electromyography
    during overground walking:A comparison of maximal-and sub-maximal
    normalisation techniques. Journal of Biomechanics, in press.

    George S. Murley

    Lecturer and First Year Podiatry Coordinator
    Department of Podiatry & Musculoskeletal Research Centre
    Division of Allied Health
    La Trobe University

    ph +61 3 9479 5834 e-mail web &


    Hello Asimakis,

    Here is what I do:

    For my MVC trial with the greatest amplitude and within 5% of another
    MVC trial, I find the peak force, center a 500 ms window about this
    time, and take the RMS amplitude as the "Max RMS".

    I then normalized my data from other contractions to this value. I
    commonly divide my contraction into equal duration epochs (thirds or
    fifths) and then use a repeated-measures ANOVA to assess if the
    amplitude of the signal changes with time.

    Let me know what you think,

    - Mike

    Mike Pascoe, M.S.
    Doctoral Candidate
    Integrative Physiology
    University of Colorado
    Boulder, CO 80309-0354, USA

    T (303) 492-4975
    F (303) 492-6778